C.H.A.P.T.E.R 4

843 37 13

{ Prom day 3 }

[ Third person POV ]

Eunbi woke up because she could hear Eunha screaming.

" Why're you screaming?! " Eunbi shouted.

" I lost, Eunbi! I lost! "

Eunbi looked at the television and as usual it's Overwatch. She just looked at her with a ' oh ' expression.

" Why am I like having a lot of energy? Like often if I woke up I would lazily when to the shower but this time I'm like ' Okay! Time to take a shower '? " Eunbi asked herself.

" Ummm...maybe it's because you woke up like in the afternoon? " Eunha said causing Eunbi to looked at her with ' You're kidding, right?! ' expression but Eunha shook her head.

Eunbi quickly took a shower, changed her clothes and went to the cafe.

Eunbi quickly took a shower, changed her clothes and went to the cafe

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< In the cafe

" Oh Eunbi! I thought you're not coming today," Chaeyoung said.

" Umm..yeah, good afternoon to you too. Well I just woke up! " Eunbi greeted and Chaeyoung just giggled.

" Since you're here in the afternoon, what're your order? And oh, you brought your sister here," Chaeyoung said and Eunbi looked at her with a ' what're-you-talking-about ' face.

Eunbi turned around and saw Eunha.

" Did you follow me?! " Eunbi exclaimed. " Well yeah, It's not a big deal anyway. Waiting for to arrive back in the room will take time so I followed you. I wanna interview you what happened last night," Eunha smiled innocently.

Eunbi looked at her with a ' Ahh-I-see ' face and ordered two cups of tea and two bowls of ramen.

Once they sat on the chairs, Eunha suddenly talk.

" Wow! This cafe is weird. A cafe selling ramen. That's weird," She said.

" It's unique not weird. This cafe is actually for breakfast, lunch and dinner that's why they have everything and that's why I love this place! "

" Yeah whatever! Now tell me who were you with last night? " She asked.

" Kim Namjoon. How did we met? Well when I came into the hall, the place was really crowded that I have to walked slowly but then someone accidentally pushed me, I almost fell and when I opened my eyes, someone save me from hitting the ground. Then he realized that I have no partner yet and so was he. So he asked me to be his partner and I agreed. He held my hand gently and carefully like it was fragile and he leads me to the dance floor and so we dane the waltz. He talks alot so that it wouldn't be awkward then he complimented me by saying that my eyes are pretty that he got lost into them. Then, the music stopped and he told me his name first then he asked what's my name is but I told him that I preferred to be the mysterious girl then I ran away. The end," Eunbi explained everything, detailed.

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