C.H.A.P.T.E.R 6

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{ Prom day 5 }

[ Third person POV ]

" Eunbi! Eunbi! Eunbi! Eunbi! " Eunha called her name repeatedly, trying to wake her sister up.

" What is it? " She replied, eyes still close.

" I want you to wake up, take a shower, get change and tell me who's your partner last night! " Eunha commanded.

Eunbi was about to shrug it off but she knew that if she did that, Eunha won't stop bothering her so she did what Eunha asked her to.

Eunbi was about to shrug it off but she knew that if she did that, Eunha won't stop bothering her so she did what Eunha asked her to

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" Okay by- "

" Not so fast! You're not going until you tell me what happened last night! " Eunha scolded.

Eunha gestured her to sit down and so Eunbi follows. She let out a sigh and started talking.

" Last night, I was eating some of the cakes but then someone suddenly shouted infront of me saying ' Oh a pink dress! Wow! ' then stuff happened, he was so hyper until I asked him ' Are you drunk? ' and he was like ' rude ' then he started to telling a dad joke. He didn't have a partner yet so he asked me to be his partner and so I agreed. When we started dancing, he was so serious and I gotta admit, he looked hot when he's serious, even though I can't see his whole face. Then he said that we're kinda like a perfect match cause I was wearing a pink dress while his hair was pink. Once the song was done, he let go of my hand and said ' I'm Kim Seokjin, Worldwide Handsome, yeah! ' while he blowed me a flying kiss. The prom hasn't over yet actually so I saw many girls approaching him and I was like ' oh wow! What a day! ' and since I don't have anything to do I decided to go back here and slept," Eunbi explained.

" Hmm," That was all that's coming out from her mouth while she's nodding. Then she wrote something on her book.

Eunbi's prom partner :
Day 1 : Min Yoongi - " Pretty dress "
Day 2 : Kim Namjoon - " Pretty eyes "
Day 3 : Park Jimin - " You're pretty "
Day 4 : Kim Seokjin - " Perfect match "

" Okay, you may go now. But don't go back here too late! " Eunha continued and Eunbi just gave her an ' okay ' sign then left.

[ Park Eunbi POV ]

< In the cafe

As usual I ordered the same menu and sat down on the chair while admiring the view outside by the window.

" Hey! How's the prom? " Someone suddenly asked, disturbing my daydream.

" Oh! Chaeyoung. Hmm it's good, I guess. I mean, I get to know more about other person and all " I said as I sipped on my cup of tea.

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