Chapter 5

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–Ashton’s POV

I woke up with a groan. Today’s the day. Today’s my first day at Eastern High School and I’m nervous as fuck to say the least. I got up out of my bed and instantly walked over to my wardrobe which now had all my clothes hanging up in. As I didn’t have my school uniform yet, I was allowed to wear my normal clothes. I picked out my American flag tank top, black skinny jeans and black vans. My American tank top was one of my favourite tops I had, the other being my Nirvana top.  ‘Should I wear my bandana?’ I thought. “Nah” I replied to my thoughts out loud, something I did a lot when I was alone.

After I had got changed and everything, I walked downstairs and grabbed a apple to eat for breakfast. Don’t judge me!
Considering I had 15 minutes to spare, I pulled out my phone and went onto twitter.
I noticed Jamie had tweeted me telling me how much he missed me so I decided to reply.

@Jamie_Smith1231 Miss you too bro : (We should skype some time xo

I decided to take a selfie of myself and tweet it.

@Ashton_Irwin1223 Start my new school today, nervous as fuck...xo *Pic attached*

I closed my phone and ate the juicy apple I had in my hand. “Mum! Going to school” I shouted out as finished my apple. I got my stuff together and set off to Eastern high school which was only a block away.

As soon as I got the big, intimidating building, i quickly felt out of place. I was totally aware of all the students who was pointing towards me and whispering to their friends. Whoa, Rude much?! Jeez....

“Hey! You must be the new guy” A kid said with a bright smile on his face as he walked up towards me. He was different, a good different that is. His hair was a green colour which stood out from everyone else. He was very pale and had emerald eyes, nearly the same colour of his hair.

“Yeah” I chuckled, feeling a little awkward. 
“I’m Michael” The green haired boy –who I now knew was called Michael- announced.
“I’m Ashton” I replied, a smile making its way onto my face.
“Hey Ashton” Michael said cheerfully. “I will show you to the office if you like” He started walking in the direction which leads to big glass doors.

Michael stayed with me when I got my schedule. It turns out we are in the same form class. Thats weird...
“You wanna hang out with me at lunch?” Michael asked, giving me one of those cool smiles.

I nodded my head to say yes and returned the smile.
“Oh and with my mate, Luke?” He asked me once again.
“Sure” I replied.

“Just to warn you, Luke’s very quiet. So please don’t get offended if you get hardly any words out of him” Michael whispered to me. I looked into his eyes and saw sadness in them, why is he suddenly sad..?
“Okay..” I whispered back before finishing my sentence off with “Is Luke in our form?” 
“Yeah. You’ll see him when we finally get there” He chuckled. I wonder how this “Luke” guy looks...

We finally made it to our form class. Me and Michael walked in and I watched as Michael walked to the back of the class, sitting down next to a boy who had blonde flat hair, gelled to the side on his forehead and had blue piercing eyes. Is that the Luke guy?

“Hello you must be the new student” The teacher said towards me as all eyes went on me. 
“Yeah” I said instantly becoming nervous at the amount of attention I was suddenly getting.

“Please, tell the class something about yourself” The teacher said. 
“Well my names Ashton...  I recently moved here.. I play drums and percussion....”My voice got quieter at the end, me not really knowing what else to say. “Well Ashton, you can sit down wherever you like” The teacher announced as she walked over to her desk.

My eyes moved everywhere in the classroom, trying to find a good seat. It wasn’t until Michael pointed to a seat next to him that I had actually made my mind up.

My lessons had gone pretty well. I had English, Maths, History and Geography which I’m not too bad at. Me, Michael and that Luke guy was currently sitting in the canteen.  Michael was right when he said Luke didn’t talk much. He just sat there, looking at the table. Is he always like this?

“Hey Ashton” A girl who i recognised from my form class said in a flirty tone as she walked over to me. “Hi..” I asked feeling awkward at her choice of tone. I watched as she sat down next to me and started sliding her finger all over my chest in front of everyone. 

“We should hang out some time... You know... .Your hot” The girl loudly whispered in a flirty tone. I chuckled at what she was trying to get at.

But suddenly my chuckling became a full blown out laughing session which resulted in me crying a little. “What?” The same girl asked, annoyed that I was laughing. I wiped away a few tears and looked over at Michael and Luke who was looking at me with a confused expression. Luke’s eyes... They are so blue and amazing..... 
“I’m sorry.. Your pretty and all... I would date you if I wasn’t gay” I replied chuckling some more. I watched as realization washed over the girls, Luke’s and Michael’s faces. 
“Your gay?” A small, timid voice asked me.

I looked over at Luke and realized he was the one who asked me the question. OH MY..............

“Yeah” I replied. The girl quickly got up and walked away, saying something like ‘what a faggot’ but oh well.
“Yayyyy! I have another gay best friend!!” Michael cheered. I gave him a confused expression. 
“Another?” I asked him.
“Yeahhhh, Lukey here is also gay” Michael replied, grinning at Luke who just looked a little annoyed.  The bell went signalling it was time for lesson and we all stood up. I realized me and Michael was the only ones who was eating some actual food. Luke didn’t touch any. Maybe he isn’t hungry....

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