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[Yuu's P.O.V]
Let's start from the beginning. After I escaped from the hell hole, I was saved by the Moon Demon Company. Guren...I couldn't forget how he saved me. I felt happy and was ready to do actual training to defeat the Vampires...Or so I thought....
[3rd person]
A frail human was chained to a wall. The male had longer hair for a guy, but the hair itself wasn't too long. He could only sit against the wall, and spend most of his time staring at the wall with his dull green eyes. Something he was doing right now.
A buzz sounded off, interrupting his staring. The door to the room opened up and light shined into the room. The light blinded the male and shaded the figure of a male that was entering the room. When his eyes adjusted, he could see who the figure was. It was none other than Guren.
He hadn't changed at all except for the guilty look on his face. The male knew it was most likely an act. He didn't know if this person actually cared about him at all.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, Yuu. It's time for training." Guren said to the male.
Yuu was wearing test subject clothing that was dirty and torn. He just stared at Guren. He didn't reply at all. He didn't do much talking anymore.
Two guards hurried in and cautiously removed the chains from Yuu. They then forced Yuu up onto his feet.
“Be gentle with him you two!" Guren said harshly to them as they took Yuu out of the room.
Yuu silently watched as he was taken down a hall. He was then placed in a wheelchair. Guren got behind him and began to push him further down the hall, and Yuu just let him do what he wanted. He was more like a doll than a human.
For the first time, Yuu actually wanted to speak, however, he was interrupted when they arrived at some doors. He was confused at first, but when they walked through, he became even more confused. In front of him were four strangers he had never met before. A boy with brown hair, a boy with pink hair, a girl with blonde hair, and a girl with purple hair were in front of him.
“Who...are they?” Yuu thought as he sat there.
It was then that Guren spoke up. "Alright, team. This is your new member."
"Wh-what!?" The blonde headed girl and pink headed male shouted in unison at Guren. They clearly thought Guren lost his mind.
Yuu fliniched at the shout, but tilted his head as the words Guren spoke were processed in his head. “Team?'” He asked himself confusedly.
"He barely looks able to defend himself, let alone move at all!" The blonde shouted angrily.
"Yeah, what's the big idea? He's practically par-" The pink headed male started.
Guren glared at them harshly. The glare made them go silent instantly. "Yes. He isn't someone you’d usually pick... But he is dangerous. That's why I'm putting you guys in charge of him." He said before turning to Yuu. “Don't push yourself to hard, but try to tell them your name."
"...Yuu...i...i..." Yuu frowned as he struggled with his name. He looked to Guren for help.
Guren sighed and turned his attention back to the four strangers in front of Yuu. "Yuichiro Hyakuya. He is like this because he's barely human. The military made a huge mistake and are hoping to help him before it's too late." Guren explained.
"Mistake?" The brunette male inquired.
Guren shook his head and placed a hand on Yuu's head. " Just... Protect him. He is one of a kind." He said with a sigh.
Yuu looked back at the strangers. His gaze didn’t stay there long because he turned his dull eyes back to Guren with a look that was clearly asking who the strangers in front of him were. Yet, while he did seem curious, his expression was the same dull one.

"Introduce yourselves to Yuu, everyone." Guren couldn't be bothered to introduce them himself. He barely remembered their names to begin with.
"I'm Yoichi Saotome, but you can just call me Yoichi." The brunette boy stated cheerfully. "It's nice to meet you, Hyakuya-kun." He offered Yuu his hand with an innocent smile.

Yuu lifted up his hand and gently took Yoichi's hand into his own. He looked at the hand of the boy now known as Yoichi. He slowly let go of Yoichi's hand and looked down to his weak hands.

Mitsuba watched as Yoichi introduced himself so nicely. The new guy “Yuu” didn’t seem like he was able to do much for the team, so she automatically didn’t like him too much. She scoffed. “Mitsuba....” She said and didn’t bother with a hand shake.

He looked over to the blonde headed girl now known to be Mitsuba. He then looked at the other male and female.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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