
387 16 1

[ WARNING: there is cutting in this chapter]

4 months........

since the last time I saw Dean, Seth and Roman

3 months.......

since I stopped talking to Dean

2 months........

since Seth gave up trying to help me through this

1 month......

since Roman made me move in with him and his family to help my through this

0 months.......

since my depression ended.

I havent made any videos in 3 months, my viewers are trying to help but the only thing that would help is Dean. But he has Renee now. 

"Cheyenne, would you like some coffee?" Roman's fiance, Galina or Lina as I call her asked walking into my room

"Sure that would be nice" I said trying to smile but that failed

"Ill be right up with it." She smiled before leaving 

"Chey-Chey!" JoJo, Roman's daughter yelled running into my room and jumping on my bed

"Jojo whats up babygirl?" I asked the hyper little girl

"Uncle Seth and Uncle Dean are coming to visit!!!" She screamed in excitement but for me hearing his name made me cringe

"Aww that is wonderful" I said to her which made her nodded before she cuddled up to me and decide to nap on me. 

"Heres your coffee, Chey" Lina said walking in placing it on my side table

"Thank you Lina. Love you" I cooed

"Love you too" She walked over to me and kissed my forehead

"Ill wake you two when Seth comes" She whispered shutting the door

_2 hours_

"Chey, Jo" A deep voice cooed ligthly. I opened my eyes to see Roman

"Hey big guy" I smiled

"YOU SMILED!!!!!!!!!!!" Him and Jojo yelled 

"I did" I smiled again

"Can you sing for me?" Jo asked

"Isnt Seth downstairs?" I asked Ro

"Yeah ill tell him to grab your guitar" He exited my room and appeared with Seth and  my guitar

"Isnt he here?" I asked 

"Yes but he is talking to Li" Seth smiled towards me

"SETHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed jumping on him making him fall to the ground 

"Chey" he cooed tears falling 

"Im sorry i gave up baby" he said nuzzling my neck

"Baby boo its fine" 

"Aunty" JoJo cooed patting my bed next to her

"I heard you laughing

In a crowd outside a restaurant we used to go to
Caught a glimpse that caught me in my tracks
It took me back
You looked happy
With that little girl up on your shoulders, happy
I know where she got those crystal eyes of blue
Time's been sweet to you
As bad as it was
As bad as it hurts
I thank God I didn't get what I thought that I deserved
Sometimes life leads you down a different road
When you're holding onto someone that you gotta let go
Someday you'll see the reason why
Sometimes, yeah sometimes
There's good in goodbye
I don't regret it
The time we had together
I won't forget it
But we both ended up where we belong
I guess goodbye made us strong
And yeah I'm happy
I found somebody too who makes me happy
And I knew one day I'd see you on the street
And it'd be bittersweet
But as bad as it was
As bad as it hurts
I thank God I didn't get what I thought that I deserved
Sometimes life leads you down a different road
When you're holding onto someone that you gotta let go
Someday you'll see the reason why
Yeah sometimes, yeah sometimes
There's good in goodbye
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
As bad as it was
Yeah as bad as it hurt
I thank God I didn't get what I thought that I deserved
Sometimes life leads you down a different road
When you're holding onto someone that you've got to let go
Someday you'll see the reason why
Yeah, someday you'll see the reason why
There's good in goodbye
Yeah, yeah
There's good in goodbye"

"Aunty Chey, you sound like an angle" Jojo said looking at me with a giant grin

"Yeah she does, doesnt she Jo?" I heard his voice say from the door way

"Dean" I sighed

"Hey Cheyenne" He said with a small smile

"Can you please all leave?" I choked out

"Chey-----" Dean went to say something

"LEAVE!" I boomed making JoJo cry

"Jo" I went to apologize but she ran out 

"Fuck! Can you just leave!" I yelled at Dean

"Whatever you were just a good fuck any way" He yelled back

"Fuck you" I punched him square in the jaw

Roman and Seth dragged Dean out and Lina gave me a sad face before following them.

"Im done with this life" I said walking into my bathroom and grabbing a raor before cutting my wrist 

I sat there before I began losing my vision

"MAMA, AUNT CHEY NEEDS HELP!" I heard JoJo's little voice scream before I blacked out


3rd POV

"Chey..........god I didnt mean what I said! Dammit! Please dont leave me, I know I left you but I was so stupid! I love you dammit! Just please walk up!" Dean yelled in frustion as he sat holding Cheyenne's hand

"Dean go sleep for a little bit" Roman's sad voice told his best friend

"No I can-t-t" Dean coughed out

"Go" Seth order their best friend

Dean got up and walked out to the waiting room where he laid down and slept for a little. 

"Cheybear.....I shouldnt have given up when I did" Seth said queitly looking down at his best friend

"Babygirl dont leave me, dont leave Seth, dont leave Lina and Jo.................dont leave Dean. Just dont leave your family!" Ro boomed crying before he embraced Seth as they both cried


Chey's POV

I heard everything they all said. I pushed myself to open my eyes and when I did a blinding light hit them which made me cringe before I heard a little girl's voice

"AUNT CHEY!!!!!!!!" Jo jumped up onto my hospital bed and hugged me for dear life

"CHEYENNE!!!!" Seth, Lina and Roman boomed hugging me as well

"Chey?!" Dean almost asked running into the room

"Dean" I whispered for the first time

"Cheyenne" He ran over to my bed capturing my lips with his

"Fuck! I thought I lost you again! There is no Renee and I! Never was never will be! The fans miss took my friendship with her! Im sorry i havent talked to you I thought wrong!" Dean confessed kissing me once again before laying his head where my heart was listening to it beat

"The sweetest thing ive ever heard" He mumbled into my chest as he closed his eyes in peace

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!" He repeated over and over

"If you do shout it to the world!" 

"I love you" He whispered into my ear

"Why'd you whisper it to me?" I asked cocking my head to the side

"Because youre my world" He said kissing me softly 

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