twenty seven

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it's been five months

the wedding was recently

and this baby is ab to pop

"joeyy"i groan

i'm having contractions

they are getting closer and closer to each other

"stop whining if you just fucking listen to me you could be in the hospital but noooo u just have to fix your hair and makeup"he says

"joey i will fucking beat the living shit out of you if you don't shut up. is the baby bag ready?" i ask

"yes and it has been the past 17 times you asked me!"he says and comes into the bathroom

"help me shave"i say

"oh my god"he laughs and grabs a razor

he helps me shave and i start to finish my hair

"you look beautiful now let's go have this baby before we have it on the highway"he says and turns me around bending a little to kiss my forehead

"fine"i give in as cool as it would be to tell my kid that they were born in a porsche joey would kill me if i messed up the car

"let's go everything is in the car"he says

he helps me down the stairs and we drive to the hospital

"we don't need to film this ya know"he says


i am vlogging this

"shhh drive"i say

"ok guys so we are on the way to owww" i groan

"are you ok? princess it's ok deep breaths"joey says and rubs my back

"let's go get down"he says getting everything from the trunk

i can't get out of the car

"joey it hurts!"i cry

he opens the door and helps me out

"come here angel"he opens his arms and hold me close and we walk into the hospital

"um my wife is giving birth"he says to the lady in the front

he is so nervous it's so flipping cute

"oh right this way"she says

we go into the room and i get into that dress thing

"would you like an epidural?"the nurse asks

"yes"i take a deep breath

i get the epidural and i stop feeling everything

"joey"i laugh

"yes beautiful?"he asks

"this feels like when we got high together in high school"i giggle

"oh boy"he says and grabs my hand

i push this bitch out my pussy

"joey your kid got a big ass head"i take a deep breath

"hey! it's your kid too"he laughs

"one more push"the doctor says

i push long and hard and cry's fill the room

"it's a beautiful boy!"the doctor says the nurses clean him up and give him to me

"my beautiful baby boy"i cry

joey takes his turn holding him

"do you have any idea for names?"the nurse asks

i look at joey and he smiles and nods

"landon"he says while his eyes get glossy looking at our baby boy

this is how i want to live the rest of our life

my mom would be so proud and i know that she is watching over on us from heaven

she would have loved landon

he is so beautiful

he has our big brown eyes and joeys dark hair

god this is the best feeling ever


finally 🥺

one or two more chapters left

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