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Patton looked around the corner, gun in hand. A streak of red and white went by. Roman. If he was lucky, he could shoot him.  And whoever he was running to or from. Patton looked around him. Nobody. He slunk around the corner, his back to the wall. His fingers on the trigger. Extra bullets slung around him. Who knew that Patton's stock of bullets was so big.

Deceit ran after Roman,  guns in hand. Patton held his fire. He'd get Deceit later. Virgil, however, did not. Noticing Patton, the male nodded. Patton nodded back in acknowledgment. Virgil's smile told him. Roman was his. Meaning that Deceit was Remy's. Logan was Patton's.

Remy ran past, pistols in hand. He gave a quick nod, hoping that his quarry wouldn't notice. After all, the fact that they were working together was a secret. If Logan, Deceit, and Roman knew, they'd team up as well. Logic, creativity, and deception made for a formidable team. Roman came up with ideas with Logan, strategizing where and when they would strike. Deceit would lie to make a truce. Then shoot them.

Patton smiled crazily. Unlike his normal smile, he would have scared anyone that knew him. Virgil gave an answering smile, as crazy and psychotic as Patton's own. Virgil ran down the hallway that Remy, Deceit, and Roman went down. Knowing Logan, he'd be away from the chaos. Patton's phone vibrated. The group had made a group chat to communicate.

It was Remy that had texted him.

Virgil and me have Roman and Deceit. You got Logan. Go.

 It was up Patton.  He texted back.

Interrogate the prisoners about where their base and Logan is. I got this.

Want to know where your boyfriend is?

That was Virgil.

He's not my boyfriend yet.

No response. Something had happened. Or they were interrogating the prisoners. Either way, Patton was not affected with his mission. He needed to find Logan and take him prisoner. A noise from behind him had Patton whirling.

Logan stood in the middle of the hallway, looking at Patton. Patton, upon seeing Logan, aimed his stronger guns at the left brain.

"Friend or foe?" Patton said, his gun trained at Logan's heart. Logan raised his hands above his head.

"Ummmm..." Logan pulled his vocab cards out of his pockets and rifled through them, looking for the word. "... Boyfriend?"

Logan and Patton both blushed. Patton looked down shyly while Logan smiled.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Patton said, causing a blush that made them both look like strawberries.

"Can someone PLEASE remind the lovebirds on aisle three that we are having an all-out Nerf war?" Virgil's voice rang out through the room. Logan suddenly walked up to Patton, shoved him against the wall, and kissed him.

Patton was on cloud nine.

Logan was kissing Patton. It was the best battlefield Nerf war kiss ever.

Logan then broke the kiss, both male's lungs begging for oxygen. Logan shot Patton, and walked away.

Patton was in shock. He sat there against the wall, and caught his breath.

Well. Now to find Patton's prey again.

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