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So, this was written before I fully understood what happened in the video I was inspired from. This was also before I actually became fully sympathetic to Deceit. So....
TW: Deceit, kidnapping... I think that's it?
"I'm ready as I'll ever be."

Virgil wrapped Roman's sash around his neck. Roman....

Roman was in the castle. Held captive by Deceit.

Virgil's family was broken. Torn. Roman was gone. Logan and Patton were there to get hi back, yet they seemed distant. And Virgil was ready to kill Deceit.

The snake had wormed it's way in. Deceit had gone to Patton saying he wanted to earn their fellow side's trust.

And Patton had believed the two-faced snake.

The snake "earned" Patton's trust. And Roman's. Not Logan or Virgil's, luckily. They understood that Deceit was literally deception, so they were tense whenever Deceit hung out with the sides.

Virgil would get Roman back.

Whatever it takes.
Roman stood there. Deceit had grabbed Roman's sword.

Roman didn't know how Deceit had done this. He just remembered when Patton had said Deceit had wanted to become better. Then it was a blur.

Roman had been caught in the snake's enthralling dance. Then the snake had bitten him. The dance to draw in Deceit's prey had worked. Roman was the perfect prey.

Roman could fix this.
He could fix this.
For Thomas.

Oh gods. Virgil.
Virgil had never trusted Deceit.
And Roman had.

Roman had broken Virgil's trust.
By mistrusting Deceit.

So Roman would do this.

For Virgil.
Virgil breathed heavily,

Deceit was on the ground, Virgil's knife at his neck. Roman's sword lay nearby.

"Where. Is. Roman." Virgil was shocked. Patton. The fatherly, emotional, loving trait had threatened  Deceit.

Logan stood behind Patton. The cold, analytical, logical trait sent a glare that Virgil, Thomas, Patton, and possibly even Roman would shirk at. The hate.
The anger.

Deceit didn't even respond to Patton. Virgil's anger flared. He repeated the order. This time, however, Deceit smiled sadistically.

"You don't want to know where your love is?" Virgil growled. "He's not in the tower. Or anywhere else. I know." Deceit grinned. His web of lies and deception grew.

Virgil passed Deceit and the knife to Logan. Logan nodded. Virgil broke into a run.

The only thought on his mind as he ran to the castle was Roman.

Roman- the creative side.
The proud, strong leader.
The side possibly opposite to Virgil.
The one who teased, and mocked him.

Yet Virgil was rushing to save him.

Roman could tell when Deceit had been defeated.  The defenses that Deceit had set up, and that Roman had so painstakingly taken down had vanished.

Roman sighed. As he began to fix all of the damage to Thomas' mind, the door burst open.
Roman looked over.

"Virgil." Roman breathed out. Without a word, Virgil walked over to him. Roman felt the younger trait's arms wrap around him.

"Virgil, I'm fine. Deceit didn't do anything except lock me up in the tower." Roman comforted the darker, now crying trait. Roman wished he could comfort him better, but he wasn't Patton.

"I'm sorry." Virgil's voice was soft.

"For what? If anyone should be sorry, it should be me. I was the one who trusted Deceit." Roman said.

"But I know how to defend against him. I should have taught you and Patton. And even Logan."

"But I shouldn't have even trusted Deceit. He's literally the embodiment of deception. I'm sorry Virgil."

Virgil opened his mouth to spout a retort, but was cut off by Roman's lips on his.

The kiss seemed to last for eternities, but only a second. Millions and billions of years could pass by, and it would only have felt like a few seconds.

Roman kissed with everything in himself. His heart. His passion. His feelings.

His love.

Virgil kissed back after a few seconds with the same amount of passion.

They only broke apart when their lungs were begging for air.

Roman looked at Virgil, apologies, love, and sorrow written in the stars and galaxies that were Roman's eyes. Virgil wished he could wipe away all of that pain and sorrow, but he was only Anxiety.
Sadness did not offer comfort.

Virgil's voice was soft as he said:
" I love you. You don't have to reciprocate, but I do. I'd defeat Deceit and anyone else to get to you. To save you."

"I love you too. I know you would. I would cross worlds to reach you." Roman said, his voice just as soft and tender.

They kissed one last time before going to find Patton and Logan, hand in hand.
So, in the animatic, Roman is actually the person holding, in the animatic's case, Thomas, hostage. He looks different, however, with a crown of thorns, yellow eyes (At the end) and a black cape. But, again, at the time I wrote this, I thought that Roman was being held captive by Deceit, instead of Thomas.

Please point out any misteaks.

I hope you enjoyed, and have a nice day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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