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>Johnnie POV<

Tonight was the night of the Issues and Breathe Carolina concert and I couldn't find jack shit to wear. I'm so picky when it comes to clothes it's not even funny. I decided to text my girlfriend Jocelyn and ask her opinion, because ya'know, you should always go to your girlfriend for fashion advice, duh.

'Hey babe, I can't find anything to wear to the concert. Help?! -Johnnie'

'Uh, just wear your favorite black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt. I'm bummed that I can't go with you :c -Jocelyn'

'Sorry dear, promise I won't cheat or anything... Or will I? c; kidding, don't worry babe, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow- Johnnie'

'Dont fuck with me like that johnnie, but have fun. Love you xox- Jocelyn'

I didn't bother replying, I had to hurry up and meet up with my friend Liam. I threw on my jeans and t-shirt, along with a scarf.

6:30. Shit, I've gotta hurry. I was supposed to meet Liam at 6:45 and the drive to Starbucks where we're meeting up is about 20 minutes away. Guess I'm not getting my latte. I sighed and walked to my car being sad because I couldn't take a white girl selfie before the concert.

I got there around 7:00 and Liam looked pissed.

"Dude what the fuck!?I though you bailed!"he yelled at me

I just laughed and said "chill dude I needed a couple of extra minutes to finish jacking off, now stop acting like a chick on her period." That's made him smile and he dropped it.

We were now driving to the venue and I was happy as fuck. Issues and breathe Carolina is like the best combination ever, if only The Ready Set was performing too.

As we pulled up to the venue I almost jumped out of the car while it was still moving, I was so psyched for this concert. There's was a long ass line outside which sucked but oh well.

We just kinda slowly skipped up to the front of the line. Lots of girls were being really nice and letting us get infront of them, they probably just wanted a nice view of my ass ayyyy.

Okay but anyway we got into the venue, got a spot in the middle of the crowd and waited for the opening act to come on. They were a small band that I'd never heard of, but they were pretty good.

After a small break Breathe Carolina came on, and holy shit they are so good live. But of course in the middle of their set I had to take a piss, like really bad, I was doing the friggin potty dance in the middle of the crowd.

After a few minutes of dancing like 2 year old I decided to go pee. On my way to the bathroom I saw this guy in a blue Aeropostale shirt and jeans walking around filming himself, just talk to the camera. This confused me because who would be filming themselves at a concert rather than, I dunno, maybe watching the set? I guess it's not my business though so I continued on.

The bathroom was dirty as fuck wow. Good thing I didn't have to go number 2, I laughed at myself because of how immature that sounded oh my god.

When I finished mah business, I walked out of the stall and saw aero boy. He walked right up to me, still filming, and said "hello sir, if you were a pornstar what would your pornstar name be?" Ummm... Is this guy drunk? But ayy drunk people are fun so "hey, dude. How bout we go watch the rest of the set together?" I said trying to change the subject from that odd question. He just nodded, turned his camera off, and we headed out of the bathroom.

By the time we got out there Breathe Carolina has already finished and Issues was entering the stage. Damnit, I missed BC perform blackout, that's always the best part. Fuck you bladder.

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