Where am I?

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        >Bryan POV<

so... I'm sitting in some random guys house right now. I honestly have no clue how it happened. I guess I drank a bit more than I planned last night, but hey, it was a concert that I got to go to for free and didnt have to interview the band. How I got in for free? lets just say i did Tyler Carter a little favor... I just hope I didn't hook up with this guy too. oh god, i'm such a whore.

I woke up this morning on a couch, so I guess thats a good sign. but it was super awkward when the guy came out of his bed room and just looked at me like this was totally normal. He didn't say anything he just walked to the kitchen and started cooking something, guess he's a soft spoken person.


oh, okay. Not so soft spoken. I was gonnna make a smartass remark back but I didn't want him to get offended or anything. Well, this is super awkward.

"Then scratch it dipshit." I heard coming from the area of the boys room.

"Why would I scratch my ass Jocelyn? Thats gross." the boy said. Wow he's not manly in the slightset. It kinda cute though.

"Ugh you're such a girl" Jocelyn, I figured out was her name, said while entering the kitchen. she kissed him on her way to get a drink from the fridge. welp, looks like I have no chance with him. He looks 12 anyway. Although i'm sure his- nope, bryan. stop, he's taken. ugh.

I decided to stop being so shy and walked to the kitchen.

"Ah, I see you've decided to stop being so anti-social, i'm johnnie by the way, even though you should already know that from last night" Johnnie said with a wink.

"um, uh wh-" I mumbled. oh shit.

"stop messing with him Johnnie! You didn't do anything of the sort last night. he was in bed with me all night." Jocelyn assured me.

"oh, oh god. thank god. " I said, sighing in relief. Although I wouldn't have really minded getting a little bit of Johnnie booty ayyy. But I dont think hooking up with him while i'm drunk would be as good as doing it sober.

"Want some pancakes dude? whats your name by the way? I tried to ask you last night but you were too hammered to even say anything clearly." he laughed.

"sure, and my name's bryan" I said.

"mmkay bryan, here ya go" he said as he handed me a plate of perfectly cooked pancakes.

We all walked to the living room and found a spot to sit. Johnnie and Jocelyn on the love seat and me on the couch where I had woken up.

I sat on the couch talking to them aboout random shit, Listened to Johnnie make sexual jokes like every 5 seconds, and ate delcious pancakes.

Then I got a idea "Hey, Johnnie. Do you have a job or anything? Cause I need a merch guy, and I think you'd be perfect for the job. But like I travel and stuff, and interview bands like the ones at the concert we were at yesterday, so you'd probably have to move in with, so  like would you be interested?"

"so you like my body?" He said in a teasing voice


"i'm just fucking with you, yeah i'd love to" I looked over a jocelyn and she didn't seem too thrilled about it, but i guess it's not that big of a deal since she didn't say anything.

Looks like i've got myself a hot merch guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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