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@therealy/n: My love for you is stronger than any mountain romieee

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@therealy/n: My love for you is stronger than any mountain romieee.

Dear Romeo,

You were finally cleared by the doctors to go out for your first public outing! Daddy and I had a whole day planned when we were still expecting you, we were going to have a small picnic by the lake and go on a stroll to the tulip gardens!! Fun fact: daddy and i's second date was at the tulip gardens. (Daddy got stung by a bee and it was so funny!)

Sadly, our day of fun will have to wait. Your daddy and I decided to take word on the doctors conversation with us a few days ago, (view previous letter) and brought you to visit nonno. It seems like nonno is on borrowed time— and we're not so sure how much time he's got left. Early this morning after we fed and changed you, we quickly left for the hospital so your nonno could snuggle and possibly soak up his last few cuddles with you.

To try and blossom his spirts we even dressed you in the outfit your nonno first bought you, when he found out you were a boy! A cute little grey onesie with light knitted bear hat and cute little off white booties.

It seemed to have work because the moment he got a peek of you sound asleep in your car seat his whole demeanor changed. His face light up and despite of complaining of daily joint pain he all but jumped with excitement in the hospital bed. I think seeing nonno so happy brought joy to your daddy because his once dulled eyes were as bright as the sun. Nonno was so restless to hold you in his arms he all but snatched you out of daddy's hold!

Of course being the observer that he is, noticed we had dressed you particularly in the outfit he'd bought you. You were such a sleepy boy that day and I think your sweet baby smell and cuddly manner must've lulled nonno to sleep as well because the two of you snoozed the afternoon away. When your older remind me to show you the pictures I have of you and nonno cuddled up together on the hospital bed. You looked so so tiny in nonno's arms and I couldn't help but tear up at the sight in front of me.

I love you romie and I'm so sorry that you were only given a matter of weeks with nonno instead of the years you deserved to spend with him. My hopes in writing these letters is to let you feel like you've known nonno your whole life instead of just a few short weeks.

I'm going to stop writing and cuddle up with daddy in the hospital recliners and hopefully get a few hours of sleep while you cuddle with nonno.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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