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"Kathryn, rise and shine darling. I need you to run to the grocery store." my mother cooed over the intercom.

It was 7:33 am, way too early. And was the first day of my internship at dad's surface office but only my mom would want me to run errands like I'm not going to be ordered around all day. You would think by 2025 we would have come up with a refrigerator that food magically appeared into but I guess scientists and inventors believe we still need that little bit of human contact. I rolled over and got out of bed to get dressed. Throwing on a nice sweater and some slacks then quickly brushing my teeth and fluffing my curls, I was out the door and down the walkway to our tube in less than five minutes.

"I hate these things, I swear." I muttered under my breath before jumping into the long cylinder of bulletproof glass.

Upon reaching the bottom, the tube door opened up allowing me to walk into the Hollows parking garage.

"Where the hell did I park last night?" I thought while slowly walking around searching for my car.

Finally I came across my baby, hopped inside and headed towards the store.


Once there, I tried to quickly move through the aisles.

"Milk check
Eggs, check
Apples, check"

I was reaching for some bread when I heard the dreaded ring of the council bells followed by President Hines monotone voice.

This is not a drill. All Hollows residents please drop everything and form an orderly line at the nearest tube with your id's present. All commoners please return home. I repeat this is not a drill." He yelled in his droning voice I had heard all my life.

I left my cart and walked calmly to the back of the store where I knew there was a tube. I got in line behind this elderly couple and a soccer mom type and waited patiently for my turn. The gruff Pluggers guarding the cylinder entrance quickly checked id's and loaded as many people as possible into it.

"ID please."

I grabbed up to my neck grasping for my id but kept coming up empty handed.

"You got an itch you can't scratch. Where's your fucking id? "one Plugger said smugly while glancing at the other.

"Excuse me, this is all a misunderstanding I was rushing out the house and I simply forgot my id.."

"Yea yea, you common whore. NEXT!"

"I resent that I am Marcus Freeman's daughter and I demand that I am let on this tube."

"I said next, bitch!" The same smug Plugger yelled.

His quiet partner roughly pushed me aside.

Holding back tears I ran towards the exit. Swiftly finding my car, I headed to my dad's office.


"You okay?"

I slammed on my brakes and wiped my tears away to look back and see who spoke these words.

"Who the hell are you and how did you get into my car?"

"I'm Obsidian but most people call me Sy. And I was about to steal this bitch until I seen your crybaby ass walking towards it. So I was about to rob you then I recognized who you were so I was just gone jump out when you finally got where you were going. But you would not stop crying, so then I just had to fucking speak up. Got damn, that was a mouthful."

I stared incredulously at the boy.

"Get the fuck out my car!" I wailed.

"Can I at least get a ride for not robbing your ass?"

"Get out!"

"Whatever fucking stuck up tight ass Hollow princess!"

He reached for the door handle and I suddenly noticed his appearance. He had deep brown eyes and unkempt caterpillar like brows. He had kiss me lips and his hands were severely calloused. He wore a tattered black tee and some severely faded distressed jeans, no jacket and both arms were covered in tattoos. On his head, he had choppy blond hair but, the real kind not the kind from an expensive haircut. He also wore two small hoops in each ear. This dude was definitely a commoner. Before I could stop myself my mouth was saying something, my brain didn't necessarily agree with.


"Change your mind, eh?"

"Who am I?"

"Kathryn Freeman, daughter of Marcus and Kelly Freeman. Your a fresh 18. Dad is the inventor and director of the tube system. Mom is a homemaker. One brother, Malcolm, he is two years older than you. Your boyfriend is X Hines, son of the President. You're pretty as fuck, but I assume you're boring and dumb."

"I wish you could have told those Pluggers that. Get in, but the front this time."

He glanced at me curiously and got into the front seat.

"Where to?"

"The Communes."

I obviously knew where we were going but I didn't want to offend him in anyway. Minutes earlier he was going to rob me, which makes me question my sanity right now. But for some reason I needed to get this boy home.
We rode in silence for about twenty minutes before I had to ask.

"How do you know so much about me?"

"In my home, your face is on TV and many other people that you probably see every day and don't think twice about. We studied your father and his philosophy as a subject in school. For someone to not know who you are makes them a complete idiot."


An awkward silence fell over us. I took it upon myself to keep the conversation going. "Well then what makes you so sure I'm boring and dumb?" I asked in a playful tone.

A few seconds passed before he answered. "How can I put this simply.. You wouldn't know how to have fun if i smacked you in the face with a fun stick and then obviously you have the whole sheltered rich girl thing going on. Plus you always have this permanent expression of boredom, like a mindless drone."

I started to get offended, but suddenly involuntary giggles began to erupt from my body. Before I knew it we were both laughing hysterically.

"In my defense, those broadcast speeches aren't the most exciting thing to sit through. On my own I am actually quite cheerful. And to the dumb comment, I can bet I am the smartest girl you've ever met."

"I'll be the judge of that. Your book smart sure, I just have the feeling you lack street smarts."

"I wasn't raised in the streets so.. yea."

A somewhat indignant expression crossed his face. "Yea, you wouldn't last a day in my neck of the woods. " he said in a somewhat slighted tone.

The awkward silence blanketed itself back over us.

"I live on Mediocris. The first street." he explained as we entered The Communes.

I quickly made the sharp left onto his street.

"The blue house with the white shutters."

I stopped in front of his house. He opened the door and proceeded to get out. I watched him walk up his driveway before he ran back to the car and signaled for me to let down the window. I rolled it down halfway and leaned out. In that instant, he lightly pressed his lips to mine. Before I could react he had sprinted all the way back to his front door.

"What the hell? Why would you do that?" I shouted.

"When would I ever again get the chance to kiss Marcus Freeman's daughter? When everyday could be your last. You got to live with no regrets, Curly Q!"

*picture of Sy*

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