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The first time he see's him, it's while he's on his route.

Ben never wanted to be here. In America. In Texas. Especially during the bloody summer time.

Granted, it seemed as though his mother had intentions of staying, so the whole seasonal thing was just an extra reason to bitch.

His mum remarried and decided to take Ben along with her to her new home. Seemed rather pointless as Ben was a grown adult male and could have very well stayed in England, but she cried about it. Saying how the family would be torn apart if he stayed behind.

Ben wanted to argue that their family already had been torn apart the moment she and his dad divorced, but he kept his mouth shut, packed up his things, and followed her across the world.

His step-dad was well off, which meant Ben didn't have to work right away. The downside to that was he had nothing else to do than to sit out on the pretty porch of his new home and watch the small town people go by.

People were excited to see them, the handsome family with the cute accents. He would say words they'd ask him to say and speak of London like it was some mythical place. The people in town were nice enough, though very odd.

Small towns were exactly what he thought they'd be. Everybody was close-knit and sweet. Maybe there was more than meets the eye, but Ben had yet to find out. Instead, he focused on trying to find his own place in the new area.

He had tried to find something fun to do. Something worth his time and effort.

Thats when he saw him. In his adorable uniform and ridiculous hat. He was a mailman, nothing more, but nothing less.

Cute, reddish-brown hair, cut short but a little long on top. He was wearing the uniform that consisted of a short sleeve button up and shorts. Bobby socks that showed off his knees, and sneakers. That hat was slightly ridiculous, but at the same time, oddly charming.

He didn't come to their home, mostly due to not having any mail as of yet. He would pass by every day, the same time a day. It was his routine and Ben figured he stuck to it well enough.

It was nearly a week since they arrived when a piece of mail finally arrived at them. Ben was sitting on the couch, idly watching the television when he caught the blue uniform in the corner of his eye. The mailman came forward, placing a sticky note on his door.

Ben stood and went to check it out, pulling it off and reading it over. "What's this?" He called out.

The mailman stopped right as he made it to the front gate. "A package." He answered.

Ben looked to him, his head cocking to the side. "This is a package?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Slip for one. It's at the post office, waiting to be picked up."

"And you can't just bring it to me? Isn't that your job?"

"Section 4.7 of the residential manual states a package of that size cannot be left without the recipients signature." He rattled off swiftly.

"So?" Ben muttered. "Bring it here and I'll sign off on it." He turned, already heading back into the house. "Not like I have anything else to do."

He closed the door, leaving it at that. When the following day came, Ben was curious to know if the handsome little mailman would delivery his package and low and behind he did. He wasn't lying when he said it was large. He carried it to best of his ability, dropping it just as Ben opened the door.

"Oh. Oh god, I am so sorry." He rambled, his hazel-eyed wide with shock and fear.

"It's fine, mate. Nothing of real importance."

Mr. PostmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora