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it was another day at bondi except this time is was raining and very stormy outside. not many people were on the beach, only a couple of surfers who dared to take on the massive waves. it was only 2 in the afternoon and every lifeguard was stuck in the tower.

reidy and harrison were watching the surfers, max and maxi were busy in their conversation, chappo and harries were eating their lunches which left me and jesse talking to each other.

"i broke my leg while falling down some stairs once. i don't even know what happened but i guess it was slippery and i just fell!" i told jesse as we told each other different facts about each other. we had learned a lot about each other.

jesse was about to speak up but he was interrupted by a loud crashing noise. we all turned our heads and saw a car roll onto the beach.

"i-is that a car?" harrison gasped as we all stood up and looked outside the window. an old grey car sat on the sand with a dent front end. everyone except reidy and max raced outside to get to the car.

"is this a joke or something?" jesse asked as half of us jumped on one rhino and the others went on the second rhino.

"i have no clue" i answered in shock. how could a car get onto the beach? i scanned around and saw an opening in the railway that wasn't supposed to be there.

"they must've hit the gas too much or something because look at the railing" i told jesse and harrison as i pointed in front of us. harrison slowed down once we reached the broken car.

"someone's in there!" harries exclaimed as he and chappo raced to the divers side. they opened it up and reviled an older man in shock, clutching onto his chest.

while harrison paged the tower, harries and chappo were assisting the man. as for jesse, maxi and i we were searching around the area to find out some answers.

"there's tire marks up the hill on the grass" maxi told us and pointed to the area.

"he must've came all the way down from that street" jesse said with shock and worry written all over his face.

"this is insane" i exclaimed while shaking my head.

"the paramedics are on their way" harrison told us before going over to help harries and chappo.

locals from bondi started coming down to us or stood by the railing and watched. a young waitress dressed in black cane running over to me with a worried expression.

"is everything alright?" i asked her as she caught her breath. she had explained that he drove up onto the sidewalk and into the tables and chairs at her restaurant. she watched as he turned down the road and onto the grass. luckily she said no one was hurt at her end.

once the paramedics arrived they put the man on the stretcher and wheeled him into the ambulance. from what i heard the man blacked out and didn't know what was going on. i felt bad for him.

"that was crazy" harrison said once everything was cleared up. a towing truck came to pick up the car and pieces from it leaving us with tire marks and a broken railing.

"it really was. i'm glad he's in safe hands now" i said as we drove back to the tower.

"even on rainy days bondi never fails to surprise" jesse exclaimed, earning a laugh from everyone

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