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hearing the soft knocks at your door startled you a bit as you weren't studying at the moment so being awoken at this ungodly hour kinda confused you , rolling over in your sheets you blinked before calling out to the person behind the door .

"may i ask who is trying to enter ?"
the soft small laugh behind the door made you softly smile as your maid lillian entered into your messy room . being a teen and all you really didn't care as long as you were comfortable so you threw things everywhere much to your dads and maids dismay .
as lillian brought some of your dresses unto your attention you realized that they were nicer than usual.

"do i have a special occasion today lillian? " you were slightly annoyed at the thought of going somewhere and dressing up since you were lazy but , you couldn't get mad at lillian for doing her job .
"(y/n) yes you do ! this may sound weird but your father has come back into town and wants you to meet someone ."

curiosity struck as you wondered who the visitor would be . your dad rarely came back from business trips as he was the president and all but bringing someone back? was a very big surprise to you. as you stepped out of bed to get dressed and freshen up you though about the mystery visitor a lot more .

after lillian and a few other maids ran your bath water you stepped in and relaxed . moments like this were rare , you being in your studies all the time stressed you out and barley had time for yourself. your hands grazed your stomach as the thought of the visitor struck again . why where you so curious about this visitor ? people had visited lots of times so this time wouldn't be any different ? washington, being a father to you tried being around as much as he could but he couldn't so he tried lots to try and bring a mother figure back into your life .

the first time he tried bringing someone back was tragic , her name was maria. wavy curly hair , red plump lips , and had a strange tan like she was a mixed raced . i tried getting as much info from the maids in the house but none of them could give me any information as they didn't know her. when maria was around my dad seemed very uneasy , liked he had no choice but to comply to her bratty wishes and glares she gave . me being me i never really spoke to her but she soon left after her husband caught her and my dad and dragged her back to where she came from .

being honest lillian is the right one for my dad but they are just both to shy and timid . they both blush and stutter when around each other when i mention anything about those two being together , i wouldn't have a problem as lillian is pretty nice to me and takes care of me when my dad isn't around .

my mind suddenly drifts as i think about my relationships. i really don't have any friends as i study at home along with my tutor but there is this one boy and his friend that hang out around in the town when i visit. painfully i mistaked them for brothers and got to know them thomas and alexander were painfully handsome and sometimes clouded my mind at night . although i know it would never pass with my dad as me dating a nobody like hamilton the thought was pretty nice .

deciding the thoughts were to much i got out of the basin as i didn't want to turn wrinkled and wrapped myself into a white towel . i walked into my room and proceeded to get dressed into my attire for the meeting and brush my long brown hair .

the clattering of the horses could be heard outside my bedroom window as my father arrived , i heard his voice as he was greeted by the staff of the house but i heard a pretty loud one too . it stood out as it seemed like it had a different hint to it .. but you couldn't put your hand on it .

history is happening in manhattan. (lafayette x reader) Where stories live. Discover now