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you scoffed at the thought of possibly marrying someone you just met . even thinking about it sounded crazy and he wasn't your type , lafayette seemed like a pretty nice boy but you weren't buying it. lost in thought you looked up to your father with a slight hint of concern on his face he quickly motioned lafayette to make his way out of your room so he could have a word with you .

the bed in the corner made a very loud noise as your father took a seat upon the very expensive piece of furniture and monitored for you to take a seat next to him . much to your dismay and sour mood you took the spot next to your father and prepared for the much needed explanation to this crazy idea he summed up in his bald head.

"now listen (y/n) i know the thought of an arranged marriage seems crazy but-"

"but ? dad there isn't any thing else that describes this outrageous idea , im not marrying him . " now you weren't one to disrespect your parent or even get out of hand but this made you loose your shit . making sure he understood this was very important to you and you wanted to make it clear.

" dad im the one thing in life i can control , why would you want to change that? i mean maybe i fell in love with someone else or-"

"if it's hamilton drop it . he works along side of me and i wouldn't want someone like him around you . he isn't very satisfied and i don't believe he would be able to make you happy like lafayette could. "

hearing this made you want to tear up and it made you mood even worse . "dad you know nothing about him ! maybe if you had more time to spend with me or even him you could get to know who we are ! your always working and away , so why should you be the one to decide who i spend my life with " you were starting to choke up as you thought of your future with someone you didn't even know or love . love wasn't the word to describe your relationship with hamilton you guys were just friends and rumors that him and elizabeth schyler were dating started to going around .

shocked and stunned at hearing your words your dad searched for words to comfort and try to help the situation but he was to late as you grabbed a coat and headed out your bedroom door. the shouts of your father begging for you to come back were heard but you decided to ignore them as you made your way out of the washington residence. it was cold but you could get through this you just needed some alone time , you decided to pick a field close by so your father wouldn't get that worried and sat down .

at times like this made you feel safe and calm . all alone was just how you loved to be , i mean sure you do get lonely but being by yourself was just a preference. lost in though you didn't get to hear the french man approaching being you but he sat down right next to you with a concerned look on his face.
"hey are you okay ?" okay ? okay how could he ask that when he was the one that caused this stupid mess of a problem, instead of lashing out on him you decided to be nice. "sure i just needed some alone time" the emphasized words you put into that kinda hurt and you suddenly wanted to take it back , after all he was just trying to be nice. hearing the man next to you shift his body closer to you on the grass made a shiver crawl on your spine , he placed his hand until of yours.

"look i know this is something hard to accept but maybe we could just be friends ? ignore what your dad had to say and hang out ? hamilton and me are close and so are you and him so maybe we could just try . " the man let out a puff of air as he said the last sentence. was he frustrated?  you never thought about how he could feel about this situation and maybe he didn't like it just as much as you didn't , curiosity got the best of you and you decided to ask.
"hey lafayette, do you wanna get married to me ?" the question became out straight as you didn't want to beat around the bush. lafayette looked up as you did circles around his palm making him question how you felt about him , not the plan . sighing he put his attention back at the now dimmed sky. "you seem like a nice girl and your definitely beautiful, but i don't think i can say or be comfortable saying that i would marry you right now ."

you understood his reasoning and sat in silence , actually really enjoying just sitting back and looking at the sky . he suddenly got up to brush off his pants and  clearing his throat in the process too . after starting at you for the longest he suddenly said the question he wanted to ask. Oh

" how do you feel about me ?"

sorry for the short chapter .

history is happening in manhattan. (lafayette x reader) Where stories live. Discover now