Chapter 27

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His lips curved into a smile before crashing against mine. They were soft, and that perfect deep red that they always have been. My eyebrows raised as I felt a new sensation I never have before. Immediately my hand found it's way to his neck and his lips worked against mine. My teeth awkwardly bumped his, a laugh escaping his mouth as he smiled into the kiss.

I pulled him closer, feeling his body against mine. I let out a sigh of pleasure against his mouth, feeling the adrenaline pump through my veins and the tingles run down my spine.

I could barely catch my breath as his lips moved in sync with mine. I shut my eyes, tangling my fingers in the shorter hairs at his neck. His hands trailed down my arms slowly and with a grunt, Michael grabbed at my hips, pushing them back against the front door behind me. I could barely even keep up with his kiss, so I let him lead.

He passionately molded his mouth with mine, sucking on my bottom lip. He used his teeth to tug on it slightly, smiling into it. I closed the small distance between us and his tongue pressed through the opening in my mouth, gently meeting my own. I gripped Michael's biceps for support, afraid of melting into a puddle.

"Leah," he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine. My eyes still closed, I replayed the kiss in my head. I've never kissed someone like that and the fear of being bad at it crept into my mind.

"I'd invite you in but my parents are home." I mumbled while pulling away, and straightened out my dress. He nodded breathlessly, his cheeks pink.

"Right," he said quickly but tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. My chest rose and fell after what just happened and from such a simple act as touching my hair.

"Actually," I chewed my lip, blushing when I realized that Michael did only mere seconds ago. "Do you want to come in? They don't have to know."

"Okay," he agreed, his eyes on his feet. There was an awkward feeling between us. I hoped it was normal.

I opened the front door.

"Mom? Dad?" I called, never removing my eyes from Michael. It all happened so fast. I kissed Michael...I wanted to pull him back to me and kiss him again and again but I also wanted to sit down and ask him millions of questions. What was his favorite animal? Where did he want to travel to next? Curiosity burned inside me. I needed to know more about him.

"Leah? You're home early!" I heard my mother call from some room on the same floor. I put my finger to my lips, motioning for Michael to be quiet.

"Yeah, I'm tired now so I'll tell you about it tomorrow." I lied, before yelling. "Night!"

I smiled at Michael nervously. We were both speechless and unsure of what to do next. Do we talk about the kiss? Did it mean something?

"Do you want to come upstairs?" I whispered so that my parents didn't know.

Michael nodded, watching me. He shifted his weight from foot to foot so I started up the stairs, hoping he'd follow. I felt his fingers link with mine, my legs stopping. I glanced back at him and he gave a me a small, lop-sided smile. Michael squeezed my hand as I climbed the steps with him quietly.

Shutting my bedroom door, Michael flopped onto my bed, placing his hands behind his head.

"Thanks for driving me," I said stupidly for conversation. Michael's eyes trailed after me as I took out my earrings. I unclipped my hair, letting the loose curls fall.

"No problem," he replied, frowning as he picked at the black string on his jeans.

"I, um, it was really fun," My voice cracked as I began taking off the layers of make-up Caroline put on me. It made me self-consious knowing that she felt the need to use so many products.

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