Chapter Forty-Three: Dangerous

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I just want to talk to you guys really quickly before you get started reading!

I have entered Relying On Ben and Jerry under the Special Award of Catchiest Story Title! If you think it deserves it, I would love you forever if you went to this link: and scrolled down to Nominate a story for a Special Award, and then filled out the nomination application! Enter this for Catchiest Story Title (Best Title) and use this link: for the story. Thank you all so much, and all you’ve done already (15 THOUSAND VIEWS!) means the whole world to me!

Nominate if you would like to see this story in the finals!

Enjoy the new chapter!!


It turned out prom has quite a lot of elements, and it was the afternoon of and all hope of going was lost. I didn’t get a dress because there was nothing good left in my size and I couldn’t get a ticket because they had gone out of sale and everything had been a bit of a mess. I hadn’t told Quinton a yes or a no but he seemed perfectly fine with my maybe—he hadn’t asked me again, and he hadn’t looked like it was bothering him. He said he would wait for me, and I had no doubt in the world that he would.

But just because I couldn’t go to prom didn’t mean I was somehow spared of the absolute chaos that occurs before it.

“My nose itches,” Kline whined as a makeup artist carefully constructed her eye makeup with a sure hand, scowling as Kline complained for definitely not the first time. I smothered a laugh as my friend moaned and cried, “It really, really itches!”

“Don’t touch your newly crafted face, Kline,” Norma snapped at her, rolling her eyes as a woman carefully painted her nails. “That took a damn good lot of time, and if you start scratching, you might mess it up.”

“But it itches so much it hurts!” Kline moaned, and then her eyes flicked to me. “Lena, tell her! It is necessary for me to scratch my nose so my brain doesn’t explode with its itchiness.”

“I’m going to stay out of this argument,” I announced as Norma shot me an icy look that did wonders at keeping me silent. I shot a grimace at Kline and winked really quickly before saying, “Life’s a beach.”

“And not a sandy one, either,” Kline muttered. “It’s a crowded muddy one filled with a bunch of itchy noses.”

Norma rolled her eyes again.

Somehow the two of them had ended up bringing their pre-prom preparation craziness to my house, for reasons I still couldn’t name even though prom stuff was littered over almost every single inch of my room, piles of makeup here and eight options for nail polish there. Their dresses were hanging in my closet to ensure they would be gorgeous as they got ready. Norma’s rich parents had hired the two of them makeup artists and hair stylists and even manicurists to make sure the two of them looked drop deep gorgeous.

Norma was almost done for all but a thumb nail, and she was already gorgeous—and she didn’t even have her dress on. Her hair was done up in an elegant twist at the top of her head, strands purposefully falling out at parts and hanging around her face, framing it. Her makeup was miniscule and perfect, as was her ruby red nail polish that went with the dress perfectly, the color completely identical, as was the lipstick. Norma kept trying to bite her lip before she would remember the lipstick and stop, looking nervous as she sighed and fidgeted.

“Calm down,” I teased her from my spot lounging on my bed, grinning to myself. “What, you think Colonel’s not going to show up or something?”

Relying On Ben and Jerry (Waltham #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang