begin again part 4

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Sungyeol stood there looking at the confused boy... isn't he supposed to be left the country? And what cruel destiny to make them meet each other again after all those years and just anywhere... in the same company and under the same group ... just why... not that he still hating the boy.. well he really doesn't know about his feelings towards myungsoo anymore but he thought he's not going to see him ever again so he won't have to face him .. to face his failure ... to remember how much selfish and coward he was back then... 

Meanwhile myungsoo was still in his place like statue ..  a bit dazed.. why him among all people why it has to be  him .. it took him alot to move on or so he thought ..  seeing him now brought all his insecurities.. those feelings.. maybe he should runaway from here and go back to Japan .. maybe it's not too late...

The voice of the CEO snapped him to reality:
"Myungsoo sshi why are standing there .. come don't be shy ... kids can you pay attention here for second, this is Kim Myungsoo you can call him L  one of our managers was in Japan awhile ago he saw him playing guitar in a club and took a video for him he does play it really well  and speak Japanese  well too although he's korean and we thought he's going to be a perfect face for the group.. so we brought him here..
Myungsoo tried to compose himself and act as if he doesn't know sungyeol.. pretending that's the only solution... pretending he forgot him.. pretending he moved on ... pretending that everything is fine...

While on the other hand sungyeol got more confused.. myungsoo.. L .. playing guitar in a club... Japan.. he's going to be with him in the same group... what exactly going on here... ? he saw myungsoo greeting everyone in the room with a shy smile once he reached him he extended his hand saying "hi nice to meet you sungyeol sshi " his voice was cold without any emotions so is his eyes... is this really the kim myungsoo he used to know before for 8 years ?! he treated him like a stranger.. but he tried not to show any reaction and played along..

After 4 hours of practicing they set on the flour having a break .. myungsoo was sitting alone in some corner .. he plugged in his earphones and closed his eyes exhausted unware of a couple of eyes that were watching him attentively.... their mangers came and brought lunch for them..

It was late in the evening when the practice ended manager Gonam guided the 7 boys into a Van .. he said that from now on they're going to live together in a dorm ...
Surely they brought their luggages cuz  they're asked to but they didn't expect everything is going to be so quick...
They reached into a big building ..
Their apartment wasn't really big but descent enough
"There's only 3 rooms available so choose with whom you want to be roommate with you there's one room contain 3 beds" Gonam explained
"I want to be with gyu hyung " woohyun said cheerfully linking his arm with sunggyu's together. That dude is so cheesy ..

"But i want a big room alone  "now it was the maknae ..
"That's not possible you can choose the big room but choose 2 other people with you" Gonam explained one more time..
"Fine i choose hoya hyung and dongwoo hyung" sungjong made his decision..

sungyeol panicked that's means he's going to share the room  with Myungsoo?! No way this cannot  be happen..
"No i don't want to be him.. he screamed unintentionally..

"And why is that lee sungyeol?" Manager Gonam asked astonished..
"I just don't want to.. he's a quiet freak" sungyeol said but instantly regretted.. but that's it he need to keep hating on myungsoo or at least pretend to.. he just can't be that close to him isn't enough that they have to share the same dorm..

Everyone was shocked by him and the manager snapped "Lee sungyeol what  the hell ?"

" If he doesn't want to it's ok " sungyeol was a bit surprised  by myungsoo's answer... is this really his childhood neighbor who used to be clingy towards him ...

"No that's not acceptable  everyone here need to respect and cooperate with each other i don't want to hear anything about this now go to your rooms " after the manager said that he left... they all looked at sunggyu seeking for a solution..
"We can switch our partners roommates?!" he suggested
"That's alright hyung i can sleep on the couch " myungsoo announced
"But.." sunggyu tried to object but myungsoo insisted that's it's ok .. sunggyu sighed shaking  his head then everyone headed towards their  rooms..

After a quick shower and wearing a  black pajamas Myungsoo took a blanket and a pillow but when he was heading towards the living room when sungyeol finished showering almost bumping each other  .. but myungsoo tried to ignore him and moved away however sungyeol start talking to him : " myungsoo.. im.. "
"Save it .. wether you still hate me until now or not it doesn't matter anymore.." myungsoo cut him harshly and walked away from the room..

<<Blood ... all myungsoo could see is blood everywhere .. he looked around he saw lee joon with others 3 boys smirking to him .. suddenly his body start shivering and trembling so  badly.. he looked at himself and gasped in fear.. he was naked.. there's alot of bruises, scratches  and nasty marks on his body .. there's blood coming from between his legs ... and alot of blood.. myungsoo hugged himself and start  screaming for help but no one answered..lee joon looked at him  and laughed evilly : "aww look at this little scared kitty.. did we hurt you ? .. but we still haven't finished yet hahaha"
"No let me go .. no.. leave me alone.. help... somebody help.. sungyeol help me.." myungsoo was screaming desperately but lee joon kept laughing "hhhh do you think sungyeol will come to save you ? He hates you .. he will never love someone like you.. and it's better you save your screaming nobody can hear you anyway.." >>

Myungsoo opened his eyes and got up quickly gasping for air .. he checked his surroundings .. he was in the dorm .. he closed his eyes again trying to calm down.. it was just a nighmare or more like a bad memory from 5 years ago... he pushed his blanket aside and headed towards the  kitchen..

In the room Sungyeol couldn't sleep he was thinking about what myungsoo said what did he mean by "it's doesn't matter anymore" did he forget about him .. does he no longer love him ..does he.. suddenly he heard noises coming from the kitchen.. it was like  something falled on the floor.. he heard glass shattering .. then it was followed by a loud thud...

*Author note*

Finally i finished chapter 4 it seemed boring and lame so i added some suspense in the end.. hopefully you will like it and do you think it happened?!

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