DxD Verse

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A portal ripped through the atmosphere and out came our favorite hero, Son Gogeta. He fell on the ground unconscious and was found by two supernatural beings whose hearts where tainted with all the sins they committed.

Man1: Huh, who is this kid?
Man2: I don't know but it looks like he's been fighting someone.
Man1:Huh, guess he lost.

Suddenly, Gogeta's ki was oozing out of his body and rampaging the surroundings, causing an earthquake. Everyone could feel the tremendous power within that ki and shivered by the sheer force held within it.

Man1: Quick, the handcuffs!!

The second man got the handcuffs and they cuffed Gogeta's hands. They were special handcuffs that seal power within an organism, thus successfully sealing Gogeta's ki.

Man2: What was that?!
Man1: I don't know, but whatever that was, it sure is dangerous. I wonder if anyone would want him in their peerage, he could cost a fortune with that power.
Man2: It's decided, let's sell him in our auction. (A/N I got the idea of selling him in a black market from another fanfic.)

Time skip: 3 weeks later
Gremory Residence:

A man with shoulder length hair was sitting in his chair, filling in some paperwork. Then a beautiful woman with silver hair, wearing a French maid outfit entered the room.

Grayfia: Lord Sirzechs, I have received information of a Black market auction being secretly held in a large museum near the mountains of Hakobe.

Sirzechs immediately stood up, jolting with energy,
Sirzechs: Great! Let's go there now Grayfia!
Grayfia: Sure, but afterwards, you will have to compete your paperwork when we come back. OK?

Sirzechs: Fine.

Truth to be told, Sirzechs just wanted to avoid doing his paperwork, and he sure was lucky enough to find an excuse, a valid one at least.

Black market:

Grayfia, Sirzechs and Ajuka all dressed into a disguise, so that they won't be too noticeable. They entered the Black market and immediately, they were sceptical  about a hidden source of power they had sensed once entering the giant hall where the auction was held. 

Ajuka: Sirzechs, you sense that?

Sirzechs: Yeah, that power... What could it be and where could it be coming from?

Despite the eerie power, everything else seemed to be fine, the guests mostly comprised of noble-class and high-class supernaturals and they seemed to be busy in their own conversations, not paying any heed to that mysterious power. It was as if to them, the power never existed and it didn't have any effect on them.

Sirzechs and the others took their respective seats and just watched patiently as all of the auction items were being sold.

Announcer: And now, ladies and gentlemen! We have finally come to our most prized possession, perhaps the most precious item we have encountered so far in our career!

This of course caught the attention of Grayfia as everyone were watching intently, trying to catch a glimpsed of the hooded 'item'.

Sirzechs: Hey Grayfia, this might be the source of that mysterious power we have been sensing. And boy must I mention, it's a big one.

As the announcer lifted the purple cloth of the 'item' everyone were shocked to see that the 'item' was actually a man!- and a very handsome one at that. All the women gasped and blushed at the visual charm of that man. Even Grayfia was enraptured by his good looks, and his open body showing off his well-defined, chiselled abs weren't helping either.

Grayfia: Wo- Woah...

Much to her annoyance, Sirzechs took notice of this and smirked as he started to tease Grayfia.

Sirzechs: What's wrong Grayfia? Has he caught your eye?

Grayfia took her eyes of the man for one minute and glared at Sirzechs, who just gulped and sat quietly- Good boy.

Grayfia returned her attention to the man, but mainly his abs, which she admits did make him look sexy. She started drooling. Ajuka grinned at the sight before him as he returned his attention to the man.

Ajuka: He grabbing the attention of all the females. But that still doesn't explain his unconscious state and why he has been cuffed.

The announcer heard this and grinned.

Announcer: Good question my good man! The reason why this man is cuffed is because his powers are extraordinary and so these special sealing cuffs are currently sealing his power within his body to prevent it from oozing out.

The audience understood what that meant as they looked at the man.

Announcer: He will be a great addition to your peerages, if you have any spaces left. So, the bidding starts at £2,545,678,456!

Guest 1: £3,345,346,456!


Guest 2: £13,532,536,862!

Grayfia: £15,532,756,846!

Guest 3: £24,245,753,989!

Ajuka: £78,466,964,007!

Guest 4: £991,999,661,875!

Sirzechs: I will give you my Infinity Gauntlet!

Announcer: SOLD!

Just as the man was sold, the eyes of the man himself started to open ever so sightly. He couldn't see anything clearly, but could hear lots of cheering and clapping. They hurt his ears, so he gritted his teeth as power surged through every limb of his body. Everybody gasped at the sudden increase in power, even Sirzechs, Grayfia and Ajuka. They all turned their attention to the man as he power the cuffs around his body by flexing his ki and stood in his former glory.

Announcer: I-Impossible! Those cuffs are built from state-of-the-art technology, how can they be broken so easily?!

The man eyed everyone suspiciously and could sense that they were not humans, because of their ki... So what were they? He didn't wait to find out, because he could sense evil and maliciousness in every single one of them, so he decided to eradicate them for good. Holding up his hand, he shot blast of ki orbs all over the place, completely obliterating in the process. Everyone had evacuated immediately and the only one left were Sirzechs, Grayfia and Ajuka. The man gazed at them, not moving a muscle. 

In an instant, Sirzechs gasped as the man punched him in the stomach. Grayfia and Ajuka were dumbfounded at his incredible speed.

Grayfia: W-When did he-?!

It was not long before an all-out brawl started as the man was single-handed thrashing one of the strongest supernaturals of their kind. Fortunately for them, the man's fatigue caught up to him, as he fell once again, into an unconscious state.

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