chapter 1

143 2 4

tw: blood, torture (though it isnt that much)

sero woke in a cell in what he assumed to be a basement. he blinked a few times and took in his surroundings. there were three mattresses in addition to the one he was lying on, two of which were occupied. he didnt take a good look at the two others, but it appeared as if they were bleeding. 

he struggled to remember what happened, as his memories were quite fuzzy. after a great deal of thinking, he managed to piece together most of what had happened. he had been shopping with mina for christmas presents for the rest of the bakusquad. the two of them had come across tsu and uraraka, who were christmas shopping as well. the four of them decided to go get a bite to eat together but before they could, the league of villains attacked a nearby shop. sero was still unsure of why they had attacked such a public place, but it had happened none the less. the four of them had stepped in and attempted to evacuate the shops nearby, as well as apprehend the villains, but they had been unsuccessful, and instead, been kidnapped.

he heard the door open and looked up. mina was pushed to the ground of the cell. she was clearly bleeding quite a lot. he was about to rush to her side when he heard dabi speak.
"oh the useless tape 'hero' is awake, lets see what he knows," he said smirking, grabbing sero's arm and dragging him out of the cell. 

sero was about to use his quirk to escape when dabi seemed to read his mind. he leaned down close to the black haired boy and stared him straight in the eyes. "dont even try to use your quirk. no one gives a shit if you live or die, and i wont hesitate to kill you if you try to escape" 

dabi resumed his normal posture and continued to drag the kidnapped hero to another room. this new room was absolutely terrifying to look at, let alone be in. the walls were covered, top to bottom, with a wide variety of weapons and torture devices. In the center were two chairs. In one sat Toga Himiko, and the other was empty, but splattered with blood. it looked fresh too.

dabi dragged him over to the chair and forced him to sit down. the blood from the chair soaked through his pants and he could feel it on his leg. it was definitely fresh. 

"good luck not dying," dabi said with a smirk before leaving the room, making sure to clearly lock the door behind him. sero gulped and took a deep breath. dont panic sero. it doesnt matter if they kill you, just dont let them know anything.

"oh cellophane," toga said in a sickly sweet voice "how are you? you holding up okay?" 

'dont answer her sero. stay quiet' he thought.

"are you not gonna answer me?" 

sero said nothing.

"thats so unfortunate. i thought we could be friends" she smiled menacingly "at least now you wont feel betrayed for me doing this-" 

she suddenly lunged at sero. he gasped in pain as the knife went straight through his shoulder. blood dripped from the wound, staining the floor and chair even more than it already was. he felt tears welling up in his eyes as toga twisted the knife.

"wanna tell me how to get into ua? or do you wanna keep bleeding." 

still sero refused to answer.

"oh so thats how its gonna be?" she glared at him and twisted the knife even more. "im going to make you talk, take my word for it. maybe not today, but i will get something from you before you die." 

toga grabbed a mace from the wall, leaving the knife in sero's shoulder. "nighty night!" she grinned and waved "see you tomorrow!" 

the last thing sero saw was the mace coming towards his head.

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