chapter 3

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the torture never seemed to end. every day. each and everyone of them, getting raped or beaten until they pass out or worse. sero was almost always in the worst conditions.

the only time they were ever together was after dark, when the nightmares plagued the four of them into insomnia.

mina was the first one to bring up the idea. it was late, sero assumed after midnight when he heard "pst, guys come here."

he heard tsu and uraraka crawl towards her and he joined them, keeping the blanket underneath him as to make as little noise as possible.

when sero reached her, he had to bite his lip to stop himself from cringing. mina's face was peppered with bruises and scratches. mina saw him do that and gave a forced smile, looking like she was about the cry, but sero knew she knew that he wasnt trying to be rude.

mina looked at uraraka and tsu before taking a breathe and speaking. "we need to get out of here"

uraraka looked at tsu before looking back to mina "well thats obvious but-"

"you didnt let me finish. obviously we need to get out of here, but i have an actual plan," mina explained.

"okay, so what is it?" sero asked, genuinely interested.

"i was just getting to that," mina turning her head toward sero. "tomorrow night, or maybe the night after that, depending on our conditions, we'll strike. i managed to steal a key from dabi a few days ago, and so far he hasnt noticed but i dont know how much longer thatll last. well use the key to escape, hopefully unnoticed. if we do end up encountering someone, run. run as fast as you can and get back to ua to get someone. anyone" mina took a breath. "make sense? i hope i made sense."

"yeah that makes sense. but we should have a way to tell eachother that were gonna escape that day. so if our conditions are stable enough, we know what day, kero" tsu explained "did that make any sense?"

"Okay, if we are gonna do it ill tap you on the back three times in rapid succession, like this" mina explained and tapped on the floor. "And if we aren't ill do this" she tapped twice quickly and once slowly

"mina, thank you so much for coming up with an escape plan" sero said, hugging his friend. "i dont how much longer i can last here"

"sero, hon, it was nothing" mina said, returning the hug. "i want to get out of here just as much as you do"

uraraka grabbed tsu and leaped towards them "i love you all so much" she cried, tearing up.

as they all embraced, knowing not that it would be the last happy moment the four of them shared.

if you love me let me go~kamiseroWhere stories live. Discover now