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*percys POV

Percy continued to listen to songs and dance around the room, completely forgetting that she was in reality. She felt completely emerged into the feelings and meanings of the songs.This was normal for her of course, when she was a child she would listen to anything she could get her hands on. It wasn't to easy, seeing as her mother wasn't in the best financial situation. Percy would still go sit outside the malls, restaurants, and bars to hear the music playing inside.
Suddenly someone knocked on the closed door. She pulled herself out of her musical trance and opened the door. "Yes?" She said hesitantly, facing her was an agent who had light brown hair. "Uh, hi. My name is agent Cameron Klein, um. Coulson wanted me to bring you to him.. Uh, yeah." Cameron says awkwardly. Percy smiles gently. "Thanks agent Klein. Mind showing me the way?" She asked reassuringly. She could practically feel the fear and nervousness radiating off of him. He nods curtly, and motions her to follow him. Percy walks steadily behind the young agent. She could see him wringing his hands constantly, to be honest, she felt some sympathy for him. His anxiety was probably off the spikes, but she could tell he'd never want to give up his job, he was loyal to SHEILD.
Cameron stopped at a door with a plate that said. 'Coulson' on it. She nodded to him in thanks. He gave her a nervous smile, then promptly scurried away.
Percy knocked on the door.

*A/N. I'm really not sure how to continue this book. Cameron Klein IS an actual character from the MCU, he's in CA:TWS and in Age of Ultron.

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