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Centuries ago there lived one ruling species, Humans. The humans were ruled by their King and Queen. They had a fierce and robust army with a large wall bordering around their vast territory. All was well until a scout informed the King about a group of men who looked just like them except they sucked blood. The King laughed at this scout and wrote him off as crazy. The King and Queen paid for their ignorance when hundreds of their townsfolk went missing, and bodies were piling up along the defense wall.

The King and Queen became more aware. They wanted to know exactly what was out there that was threatening their Kingdom. They sent a group of scouts with guards out beyond the wall to investigate. They were supposed to return in a few days tops. But that trip lasted months. Wives became worried, children asked the King and Queen over and over where their papa was and the terror intensified.

Finally, one sole survivor returned out of the entire scout team. He informed everyone about the wild animal people who looked just like us. He described one group who had fur growing out of their backs and the others who had sharp fangs. The last group he described were lovely looking women who were anything but dames.

The King and Queen had no idea what these things were, but they knew they wanted to keep their people safe. The created a strict curfew and strengthened the protection on the wall. For a while it was quiet. No new missing persons, no new dead bodies and no lurkers near the wall. The people thought they were safe. Little did they know that their "sole" survivor was actually one of those creatures in disguise.

One of the guards informed the King that something was not right about the survivor, but the King ignored his suspensions. The King ignorantly thought that their terrors were over until the survivor started slaughtering the King's top rank soldiers. Once it finished, it tore the King and Queen apart. The creature managed to discreetly kill each and every person in the castle. The town was none the wiser. That was until the bell rung.

A town person struck the bell to inform the town that something wasn't right in the castle. But it was too late, more creatures started crawling over the walls and ripping through the once bustling city. The creatures drank nearly the entire town except for a small number of humans.

They purposely left about a dozen left of the once vast kingdom. The humans cowered in fear as they eyed these dark-eyed, sharp-toothed, pale creatures. The scout was right about them looking just like anyone else. Two other groups approached them. One group were tall, tan, and had huge wolf-like snouts and fur coming out their skin. The last group was a bunch of women in flowy gowns with matching cloaks on their heads.

After the devastating fall of the humans, their vast land was divided three even ways. The western side belonged to the group who called themselves Wolves. The Eastern side near the shore belonged to the group who named themselves the Witches. The North belonged to most vile of the three creatures, and they go by Vampires. Thus the three ruling nations lived on...

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