How Does She Know Who I Am? Jerrie oneshot

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Perrie was in love with Jade.

More like she was infatuated with her. It's been like this for three years, since her freshman year of high school. Jade was the first girl Perrie had ever really fallen for. Sure, there were other girls that had caught her eye, but Jade was the one. The one who'd helped her come to terms with who she was. But as more time passed she realized she'd never get to tell Jade how she felt.

Most likely it was cowardice on her part. Jade just seemed unapproachable, her constant confidence killing any hopes Perrie had of approaching the beautiful girl.

Besides, who was she kidding? Perrie and Jade weren't even friends. Perrie was at the bottom of the food chain, and Jade was popular. She was captain of the Varsity football team, prom queen, and was at the top of the social ladder. Everyone either wanted to be her or be with her. She was perfection. Those brown eyes, that tan skin, she was a goddess. Perrie, on the other hand, wasn't even on the social ladder.

"You're staring."

Perrie pulled her eyes away from Jade on the field. The Varsity team was having a friendly scrimmage with the JV team, the Varsity team obviously in the lead. She scoffed and turned to face her friend, "No I'm not." Jesy just laughed and tapped the ashes of her cigarette on the bleachers. Perrie frowned as she watched the brunette bring the cigarette back up to her lips. She knew she was the reason why Jesy had begun to smoke, and a part of her almost felt bad for it.

The blonde reached over and plucked the cigarette from the girl's lips, putting it up to her own mouth and taking a long drag from it.

Jesy pouted at Perrie but made no move to take the cigarette back. "You were totally staring, when aren't you staring?" She readjusted the round black sunglasses on her face with the back of one hand and scrolled through her phone with the other. "Isn't that the reason we came up here? So you could stare at Jade getting all hot and sweaty?"

Perrie scoffed again, "No. I came up here for some fresh air. There's plenty of fresh air up here. Fresh air is the best." Jesy looked away from her phone and stared at Perrie, watching as the other girls blue eyes were trained on Jade on the field. "The view is definitely a bonus though," Perrie murmured.

Jesy released a snort of laughter, breaking Perrie from her trance. The blonde shoved her, smiling reluctantly, "Oh shut it, Jes! Don't act like you came up here just to keep me company, I know for a fact that you've got it bad for Leigh-Anne."

The brunette instantly stopped laughing and blushed, looking down at the field where she could see Leigh-Anne backing Jade up, kicking the ball over to her before Jade made a goal.

It was strange, they were seniors yet they were acting like little school girls over their crushes.

When practice came to an end, the pair of girls stood up and began descending the stairs. They were on the field now, lost in the crowd of female athletes who were milling around, sipping from water bottles and wiping the sweat from their brows. Perrie's eyes flickered around as she and Jesy made their way through the crowd, making it seem like they were leaving when really they just wanted to get a glimpse of the two girls they'd been pining over.

"Hi Jesy." Perrie stopped in her tracks as Jesy pulled at her elbow, halting the girl. Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Vice-Captain of the Varsity football team, was facing Jesy with a smile on her face. She had a towel around her neck, clutching a water bottle in her hand.

"Hey Leigh-Anne," Jesy replied with a smile on her face. Perrie was bewildered, she had no idea her best friend was on a first name basis with Leigh-Anne Pinnock. The two girls hadn't noticed the look on her face though, and as they exchanged pleasantries and small talk, the blonde began to zone out.

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