Bruises On Your Thighs Like My Fingerprints

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Jade snuck around the apartment, tip-toeing around so as not to wake her lover up. Perrie was taking a nap on their bed and Jade was all the way in the kitchen, but she didn't want to risk it. Her lover could sometimes wake at the faintest of sounds. The brunette hummed softly to herself and finished sweeping the kitchen floor. When that chore was done she returned the broom to the broom closet and quietly snuck into the bedroom.

Perrie's clothes were littering the floor again, like they always were. Couldn't she put her clothes in the basket in the corner of the room? Even throwing them was alright, as long as it ended up in the basket and not on the floor. Jade shook her head and picked Perrie's pants, socks, shirt and bra up. She quietly dumped them into the basket and then scooped her shoes up and put them neatly in the cupboard next to the other shoes, only to slump down onto the floor and sigh in disappointment.

Perrie's shoes were all piled up and messy again. Every time Jade found the blonde's section of the cupboard in a mess she chastised her and begged her to keep it neat. Of course Perrie ignored her almost every time, which led to Jade going red with anger and refusing to talk to Perrie until the blonde sighed and begged for forgiveness.

Jade was already compiling her stern and angry speech in her head that she would surely give to Perrie the second the blonde woke up as she sat down and crossed her legs and then began setting the shoes all neatly beside each other, in order of usage. The shoes that were used the most were in the front row while the least used, like formal shoes, were in the back. Finally she finished and then sat up and stretched her back. After popping everything back into place Jade softly shut the door and made her way out of the room, but paused when a light snore caught her attention.

She looked to the bed where her lover was peacefully sleeping and felt her heart swell and lower abdomen tighten at the same time.

Perrie had literally shed all of her clothes except for her black boy shorts underwear. She had no bra on, and slept soundly on her stomach, showing her bare and pale back. It was night now, bathing the room in darkness, so Jade swiftly switched the bedside light on and turned her eyes back to her lover's very sexy back.

Jade loved to look at Perrie's strong back. She loved raking her nails down the smooth, warm skin and trailing soft but passionate kisses down the slope of her muscles and the path of her spine. Perrie really loved that too.

Smiling deviously, Jade softly padded over to the bed and climbed onto it, taking extreme care not to wake the blonde. She managed to crawl up and sit down across Perrie's lower back, not even waking her up.

Geez, how tired was she? Jade knew that Perrie worked hard as a cop at the local station. Perhaps something had happened to drain her lover enough to aid her in sleeping like a rock. Because of the work she did and the people she worked with, Perrie was well trained and often lethal. Her senses were constantly on high alert, almost supernaturally so, which is why she woke up to the sound of a pin hitting the floor. It was just instinct and it was one Perrie was proud to have.

This time, however, Perrie continued to snore lightly and barely moved under Jade's seated body.

What to do now? Jade was still quite irritated about finding Perrie leaving a mess behind again, but she also found her lover's current state incredibly adorable. Should she just leave her to sleep and whine at her later?

Jade nibbled on her lip in thought.

"Jade…" Perrie moaned softly in her sleep, eyes fluttering slightly. Jade froze, thinking she had woken up, but relaxed when she realized it was merely sleep talk. What was Perrie dreaming of, to moan Jade's name like that?

The brunette grinned and made a decision. Maybe this wasn't really teaching Perrie a lesson, but Jade was irritated and turned on at the same time and that tended to put her in an unusually dominating mood.

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