idfk title i guess

265 7 0

piderman, redspandex, tonystank, bwidow, angermanagementclass, hawkdude, spangles, speedieboi, birbman, greyironman, godofsneks, lordofsparkles, king'o'cats, consumerofplums, kingofants, wizardie-boi, and scarletwitchie-gurl, entered the chat

tonystank: so how are you all

piderman: im f-

tonystank: jk idc

piderman: ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ

kingofants: Fuck you tones,

wizardie-boi: now hes upset >:(

spangles: 1, language. 2, are you ok peter?

piderman: in fine

tonystank: im sorry

redspandex: whats ging on

greyironman: don't worry about it

tonystank: Hey cap ;)

spangles: not here tony... O///////O

wizardie-boi: yes please not here

redspandex: I don't mind

piderman: yeah but your a fucking weirdo

redspandex: >:O rude webs!!!

piderman: idc >:P

redspandex: O^O

speedieboi: love this weird flirtfest ya got going on here but can we stop

hawkdude: no can do hotshot ;)

speedieboi: omfg

speedieboi: am I being hit on?

piderman: 1 yes, 2 I ship it

redspandex: same here

piderman: say I if you ship hawksilver

tonystank: I

spangles: I

godofsneks: I

lordofsparkles: I to ship these mighty warriors

((im to lazy to do the rest so basicly everyone said I ))

speedieboi: y me

hawkdude: ¯\_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )_/¯

speedieboi: :D I want death

speedieboi: *dies*


speedieboi: jk lol

hawkdude: T^T don do that to me

piderman: X3

kingofants: you are all still dening im here aren't you

consumerofplums: yep

kingofants: >:O

kingofants: fuc u guys T-T

piderman: No uncle scott don't be sad D:

kingofants: ... did you say uncle?

piderman: umm....... *sweats profoundly* no

redspandex: yes, yes he did

piderman: I hate you wade

redspandex: luv u to spidey

piderman: don't call me that

lordofsparkles: has anyone seen my loki?

tonystank: u loST HIM?!?!

spangles: *sweats* no I haven't see him

tonystank: cap, why was he with you

spangles: he wanted some shawarma ¯\_(◕ ³◕)_/¯

tonystank: *sighs* idiots, I work and live with fucking idiots

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