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'Mrs. Keith's Mama'

Pidge's Point Of View

Everything is totally chill right now, though it really is not 'cause we are all internally freaking out. Why you might ask well it all started a few hours ago....

'Us, the Paladins, were relaxing in the bridge when an in comming call from none other than Krolia and some of the other Blades I can't remember the name of in order to check up on everything.
That would be fine but... "KEITH'S A FUCKING 6 MONTH OLD BABY!" "Yes thank you Lance." Keith is in fact a 6 month old baby and not his usual 18 year old self. Which sucks because... "HOW ARE WE GOING TO EXPLAIN HIM BEING A BABY?!" Again "Yes, Lance How would we explain to Krolia her son is baby to being a baby?" "GOOD FUCKING QUESTION! WE HAVE NO CLUE!" Pidge rolled her eyes, "DAMN IT LANCE SHUT UP! THIS IS MY TURN TO RUN THE SHOW!" Pidge huffs. "So yeah now you know."

3rd Person

Little Keith was unaware of this fact due to him needed a little nap time because he was being a little fussy boy. (Which no one wanted a repeat of previous events.) Hunk decided to wake up the new born baby known as Keith.
Hunk smiles fondly at the small boy clutching Eepo close and sucking on his pacifier intently. 'So cute' Hunk thought to himself. Hunk picked little Keith up carrying him to the changing table. Not wanting to wake the boy up he makes quick work of changing him.

~Time Skip in order for Krolia to be there~

The paladins nervously look at Krolia holding baby Keith, who seems extremely comfortable in the arms of his actual mom.
"What happened?" The female Galra asks not sounding dangerously calm or angry, she sounded kinda pleased. Everyone looks at Lance to answer.
"Well you see... um... We were on a mission and the Galra attacked us and hit the Red Lion with a beam and he turned into a two year old... Then a thing kinda happened between him and Kosmo and we got mad at him then he forgave us. Then he got sick and was a new born baby too. So couldyoustayinthecastleandhelpus?!" Lance finished the rest in one breath. Krolia chuckled softly and nodded.
"Of course." She agreed, much to a pleasure of the paladins. A wave of relief rushed over the paladons of Voltron. Krolia was just happy to be able to raise her son unlike before. 'This is a second chance. I won't leave you this time, Keith.' Krolia thought to herself staring contently at her now wake son playing with a bit of her hair.
Keith lays staring up at the strange purple woman holding, but doesn't seemed all too freaked out by being held by her. Something about her seemed... familiar. A good familiar not a bad familiar.
"Ah!" A happy squeal sounded around the room as Keith realises the woman is his mom. Everyone let's out a little chuckle at the baby's reaction.

~Time Skip~

Krolia sits on the floor holding Keith in her lap while he plays with his toys while sucking on a pacifier contently. Keith shows his mom all of his toys happy to be with his mommy... his real mommy not mama Hunk. Keith cooes up at his mom lifting his arms.
Krolia chuckles softly nuzzling his nose with her own giving him Eskimo kisses. Lance comes in after knocking.
"Hunky monkey said lunch is almost ready." Lance states smiling at the small family remembering his own feeling a little more home sick.
Keith noticed the change in the look in Lance's eyes jutting out his bottom lip whimpering. Lance and Krolia look at the baby both trying to console the baby before he begins to cry.
Krolia rocks him gently shushing him lightly. Lance grabs Eepo from the crib showing the plush to Keith making Eepo dance.
Keith sniffles sucking on his paicifier making grabby hand towards Lance.
Lance complies picking Keith up rocking him feeling two baby hands come up and pat his cheeks. With a small chuckle Lance stands up holding Keith.
"So sweet." Lance whispers gently kissing Keith's forehead. Krolia smiles at the two hugging both of them.
"Thank you for helping my son, Lance." She whispers softly happy to be with such supportive people. Lance nods glad to have helped with the things he was able to. He feels like he has his mom with him when he looks at Krolia.

Krolia helps with everything around the castle. She helps Hunk cook with alien spices, she helps Allura come up with battle stragies, she helps the palidens train and how to work their bayards better and she helps Pidge with hacking into Galra intelligence. Of course he assists in taking care of Keith which is a relief for everyone.

I'm so sorry this chapter is short and took so long to make. I will try my best to work on chapter 7 as soon as possible but I'm in my last stretch of Softmore year. So I have finals to worry about and also my Junior year which is said to be the most stressful but I can handle it I'm sure.

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