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I am so sorry this chapter has taken so long to make. I decided to do a flashback chapter. It's not completely inline with chapter one, but I wasn't about to copy and paste chapter one into this part.


Keith Point of View

"Keith what are you doing? We need to form Voltron?" Pidge calls through the coms. I mute the com. 'I just need you all to get out of here. I can do this myself.' I think to myself flying Red towards the Galra ship. I summon Red's jaw blade doing my normal pretty reckless thing.
Problem is, I didn't see another battle ship uncloak itself from behind me until it was too late and I was hit by the blast which knocked me unconscious.

Red's POV (Cause I can! Shut up. Just kidding ilygsm)

I could feel my Paladin's pain after the blast I flew myself away contacting the other lions to not worry, as the fleet of Galra ships fled. I needed to get my Paladin to the castle to see what was the matter. I flew and as I did I felt my paladin shrinking.
"Paladin, can you hear me?" I call to him trying to connect with him.
"Wed..." He mumbled. Then I realized, 'My paladin is now a cub. My cub.' I grew protective over the little boy in my cockpit.
"Wed wha happey?" My cub asks looking frightened but also interested in the stars. 'He is still my paladin, just smaller and my cub. Mama Black eat your heart out.' I thought purring to calm him down.
"Shh my cub, it is alright. You're safe here. No one will hurt you now, I promise." I smiled to myself as he calmed down making happy noises as he did. His teenage conscience was still in this small baby's body. My poor cub.
I landed in hanger making sure the air lock closed behind me so Keith wouldn't go flying out. I could hear the other lions trying to talk to me at once.
"What happened, Red?" Blue asks concern lacing her voice.
"The attack from the ship caused something to change in my paladin. He is a baby now (technically toddler but Red doesn't know human ages), he's my baby now." I respond watching my paladin peak out of the chestplate of his armor to see.
"Bu!" He calls seeing the Blue lion. I purr softly.
Coran comes into the hanger in search of Keith. He comes up to me.
"Oh Red lion is Keith in the cockpit still?" He asks. I slowly lower my head opening my mouth letting him in.
I hear a sound of surprise before my paladin is lifted out of his seat and carried out of my mouth. That's when I get a good look at him. 'He turned Galra too!' I couldn't believe it.
"He looks fluffy." Blue whispers. A giggle sounds around the hanger as Keith traces Coran's Altean markings.
The Altean male seems confused, but soon realizes it is Keith. Nodding to himself understanding what happened now.

Lance's POV

No one has seen or heard from Keith since we got back. It isn't like Keith to not tell Shiro or myself where he is going before he leaves. Even when he does stuff with the Blades he tells us before hand, even though it's only 5 minutes before he leaves.
But, still he at least tells someone where he is going at all times so excuse me if I sound like an overprotective boyfriend, because that's what I am. Keith is my little firecracker. He's a little firecracker in bed too, if you catch my drift. (*wink wink* I might be alluding to a future chapter when Keith goes back to normal.) Anyway, I'm worried as hell. My baby is missing and I'm freaking out! (The irony of that statement)
"Lance! Stop hyperventilating!" Pidge shouts looking grumpy. Everyone is in a pretty sour mood since Keith didn't listen and could possibly dead!
'Oh no don't think like that. Keith's fine. I'm sure he's fine. What if he's not fine? What if he's really hurt and stuck in space. Or worse captured by the Galra and is being prepared to be a sex slave to Lotor!' I start to panic even more.
The door slides open and in steps Coran and a toddler. I scream starting to sob.
"He really did die!" I fall to the floor crying my eyes out. Shiro rolls his eyes going over to the toddler getting Keith's jacket from him.
"He," I sniffle, "Has a adorable pudgy tummy..." I crawl over to the toddler. As I do he turns back into a tiny verson of my boyfriend. I can't help but scoop him up.
I hold him to me crying into his baby mullet. I didn't know how much crying affected babies, because my cousins never cried when I did they just stared, but Keith started to sob.
I stop crying as he starts to and rock my body to calm him down whispering sweet things in his ear.
"Shh. Shh. You're okay. It's okay. Look I'm happy now. No more tears." I whisper smiling softly when he looks up and sniffles before laying his head on my shoulder putting him thumb in his mouth.
Pidge gets up going to her seemingly bottomless backpack grabbing a pacifier making sure it's clean before giving to me. I take Keith's little thumb out of his mouth replacing it with a pacifier before he can whine. I do get a little huff though, but I'll let it slide cause he's so darn cute.
We decided to put him in a red lion onesie, because you know we have to make him adorable. Wait he's aready adorable. We made him even more adorable which I didn't think was possible.

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