Chapter 15- Time Flies

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~8 Months Later~

John P.O.V

Mika n Brit is due any day now. So Brit n Jordan decided to stay wit us. Me n Jordan is hella anxious. Like im gonna be a father any day now.

"Yo bro" Jordan said

"Yea bro?"

"Can we talk in ur office?"


We got up from the couch, then went to my office.

"So wassup Jordan?"

"Ima propose to Brit wen she have the baby."

"Aye thts wassup. U got a ring yet?"


He showed me the ring n its very nice.

"U think she gonna like it?"

"Hell yea. I knows my Brit. Big n shiny is her favorite things."

"Look at us. We're thugs tht got bitch-whipped. Now we gonna be fathers n we're under 20."

"Facts. But luv make u do crazy things. I honestly glad its happenin."

"Word. If we aint have them, we'll still be hoes." I laugh n he join

Its time to grow up anyways. We gonna be stuck wit them for better or worse. Im ready bc I only want/need Mika in my life.

"Lets go watch tv."

"Aight b4 the girls get the wrong idea. Yunno how these hormones be."

"U already know bro."

~Mika P.O.V~

The boys came in the livin room, n watch tv wit us. We all cuddle up like its movie nite.

-Hours Later-

Everybody was sleep. But I woke up bc I was in pain. I stood up bc I thought I had to use the bathroom. Only thing u heard was liquid hit the floor.




My water broke!

I tried not to freak but I had got contractions.

"Ouch!" I screamed

They all jumped up. Probably not the best idea for Brit. Bc once she got up, her water broke. I aint mean to scare her but tht shit hurt.

"Omg my water broke Jordan!" Brit screamed

~Jordan P.O.V~

Damn its go time already.

"Stay calm babe."

"I'll try but this bitch hurts!"

Lucky we had a room already for them. A nice private room.

"Yo whos drivin?" I asked

"I guess ima drive." John said


I grabbed all the pups bc they want them there. By the way me n Brit got a yorkie. A girl yorkie. Her name is Amber.

We all got in the car. Now its hospital time. I cnt believe im boutta be a father any min now. This is crazy fr.

-A Few Hours Later-

John P.O.V

"Mika push! Push baby push!"

"I am pushin nigga! Just shut the fuck up!" Damn

"Ms.Wilson push! Just a few more pushes."

"Mkay doc."

Wow wen I say push, I gotta shut up. Aint tht somethin. Smh.

"Come on baby push! We see the head!"

"John shut the fuck up! I hate u! U did this to me." She was cryin

"Baby u dont mean those things. Just calm down n breathe."

"Mkay. I luv u John n im srry."

"I luv u to. Its all gud."

"Holy shit!" Jordan yelled

"Aaaaaaah!" Brit yelled

"One more push Ms.Wilson."


She did tht one last push. Now the baby here. I'm officially a father now.

"Come on Brit one more!" Jordan yelled


Only thing u can hear is both babies cryin.

"Heres ur baby Mika." The doc said as he hand her the baby

Omg. Its a boy. I have a junior!

"Jordan watchu got." I asked

"Man I got a daddy girl" he smiled "What about u?"

"A mini me" I smiled

"Thts wassup"

"I know rite. Same to u too."

My life is complete. Well for now it is.

~Brit P.O.V~

I had a baby girl. Bella Angel Williams. I gave her Jordan last name.

"So wat u name her." Mika smiled

"Bella" I smiled "Wat u name ur son?"

"JJ. Yunno for John junior."

"Look at us. We're officially mothers."

"Yeaa. Best feelin in the world."

"U got tht rite."

"Hey babe how u feelin?" Jordan asked

"Great now tht our lil fam is complete."

"Thts gud. But I got a very important question to ask."

Ohh boy. Wat he gotta ask? Better not be somethin stupid.

"Mkay. Watchu gotta ask Jordan."

"Baby listen..... Yunno I luv u rite. I'll always n forever luv u. Ur the luv of my life Brit. I cnt imagine myself wit any other girl. Ur one of a kind. U make my life so much better. Now u gave me a daughter. I couldn't ask for nothin more. Ur the best babe."

"Awwwe Jordan-"

"I'm not done yet."

Ummm ok?


"U shine up my life. Everyday u make me smile. Wit out u, ion know who tf I'll be. Maybe a hoe? Or a dumbass single nigga. U changed me. Now I want u for the rest of my life."

He got on one knee n called Amber. She came runnin wit a purple box. It was attach to her collar. He picked up Amber n put her on my lap. Then told me to open the box.

I opened it n just started to cry.

"Would u marry me Brit?"

"Yes Jordan. I will."

"Awwwwwwe" Mika smiled

"Thts my boy." John said

We all laugh. Then I kissed Jordan.

"Awww this is too cutee. Our kids birthday is also yall engagement anniversary." Mika said

"I know rite." I smiled

This day was soooo perfect. I'll never forget this day.

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