Chapter 22- Turn Up

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-The Day B4 The Wedding-

Mika P.O.V

Im anxious af. Im boutta marry John. Less than 24 hours its gonna be mines n Brit wedding day. This is how it gonna go down. Brit gonna go first. After they say their vows n kiss, its my turn. After me n John done, we gonna party. We gonna have the pups carry the rings. Bella gonna be the flower girl. While JJ gonna stand next to his daddy. My son gonna be one of the grooms man. Isn't tht cutee.

Yunno how tht rule is, wen I cnt see my baby til the day if the weddin. Well..... it sucks. I miss him. But we did had some fun yesterday. We made luv like it was our last time together. Thts how much fun we had. He got JJ bc thts his "mini me". I miss my lil sweetie. Brit got Bella wit us. Diamond n Amber wit us also. While John got Cash. This feels like we divided the fam in hlf.


"Yes Mika?"

"Wat we gonna do?"

"Idk. Tiff said it was a surprise."

Tiffany *Tiff* is a close friend of mines. Brit n Tiff r cousins. We all close. Thts my bishh. Shes basically like another Brit. But Brit my main all daii hands down.

"Ohh mkay. Wen shes comin?"

"In like 5 mins."

"Mkay. How u feel thou?"

"Excited. I juss cnt believe my fantasy is turnin into a reality."

"Yeaa ikr."


"Who?" I asked

"Ur bishh"

I opened the door n jumped on Tiff.

"Ayeee bishh. U took dumm long for wat?"

"I was doin things. But im here now."


"Yall readii to go?"

"Yesss. Time to turn up. My last nite of doin w.e."

"Factss u n Brit."


"Wassup cuzzo" Brit said

"Ayee. Nun much. Juss readii to have fun."

"Yeaa. Lets go."

-1 Hour Later-

I couldn't see shit. Tiff made us wear blind folds. Wow.

Bella, Diamond, n Amber is fine. We got a nanny for them. Aint no stranger either. A friend of mines name Carly is watchin them. She aint a party type of girl so shes perfect for watchin them.

"Surpriseeeeee!" I heard ppl say

Tiff took off our blind folds. N come to find out... We in a strip club. The ppl who said tht r friends n fam.

"Time to turn up!" Tiff said

Theres strippers every were. Like its men n females. Im glad John aint here, bc he wouldn't let a dude come near me.

Well time for drinkin, gettin lapdances, n w.e else to do. Gotta live it up, bc 2morrow im forever taken.

~John P.O.V~

2morrow im marryin my baby. I cnt wait! The time is finally here. Its too gud to believe. I'm finally gonna have my Mrs.Rivera forever. My life is juss sooo fuckin great. I never imagined myself bein tied down. But I'm glad its happenin. If it wasn't for Mika, I wouldn't be a father. JJ is the best thing tht ever happened to me. Well besides Mika ofc.

My bachelor party just gonna be simple. Ima get drunk, n high. Get lapdances from strippers. Just hanging wit my niggas.

"Yo bro." Jordan said

"Yea bro?"

"U ready for 2morrow?"

"Yup. Wbu?"

"Yea. I just hope ion get cold feet."

"Word. But we just gotta think of the bright side."

"Facts. Weres everybody at?"

"Idk they said its a surprise. Mark suppose to come get us."

"Oh aight."

-A Couple Of Mins Later-

Mark came to get us n we finally arrived. Come to find out.... we in a strip club. Now this is a great way to enjoy the last day.

I'm partying n guess who I see?





Yupp I see my wifey. N then I see Brit. They havin fun doin their thang. I'm not gettin mad, bc ik ima get a lap dance too.

Now 2morrow ima be a married man. Cnt believe my life gonna change forever.

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