Man With A Gun

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If you've read the about me bit on my profile, you'll know my favourite writing tip is "When in doubt, have a man come through a door with a gun."

It doesn't have to be a man with a gun, of course; it could be the ceiling collapses, or a tornado sweeps into town, or the dog does its business on the bed. The point is, it's something unexpected which your characters must react to. Events like these will push the story forwards and make writing really exciting, which is great if you've hit a bit of a roadblock or are just a bit fed up with how things are going.

Many writers write like this all the way through their books without any plotting at all. It's really great for action heavy stories. Throw in unexpected moments and you'll soon find your scenes (and the rest of your book) taking off in directions you'd never have considered.

Ultimately, you ARE the man with the gun, so shoot that book up and have some fun.

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