5. What if?

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A/N: yo :3 finally got a phone with more storage but here's a recently edited draft from 2019💀
also to clarify ~ I refer to Ryan & Shane as if they were characters rather than the real people, I adore them irl and their irl relationships:>>

"Congratulations on the wedding, I'm so happy to be here for both of you!" Shane clinked his glass against Keith and Becky gleaming with glee. Shane turned to the bar again as his smile slid from his face "another one, please" the bartender nodded her head. He turned to the beautifully lit ballroom in front of him, he chuckled as he looked towards the dance floor hundreds of people populated it, all busting their best moves. "Oh hey there big guy" Shane's attention whirled around to see his old friend Marnie, the bridesmaid of Becky, "oh heya Nie what's up small fry?" She laughed "okay you just calm it, I have a friend you should meet, this is Ryan" she yanked on the blazer collar of a short man spinning him around, "oh hi, I'm Ryan" Ryan offered a high five to Shane, Shane declined, laughing "hello Ryan" "wow ouchies" Ryan laughed his embarrassment off "okay well Eugene wants me so I gotta go but have fun, just not too much fun" Marnie winked, skipping away. Shane felt his heart warm the tiniest bit "another round?" Ryan asked his new friend "sure on m-" "on me, Lilith" the bartender laughed and obliged whilst Shane was caught off guard by Ryan knowing her name "so, you must come here often?" Shane leans one elbow on the bar and stares into Ryan's hazelnut chocolate eyes, Ryan smirked "oh only with weddings and there's a lot of married people I know so I guess you could say that" Lilith places their drinks down with a bright smile, Shane cleared his through and sat up, "thank you Ryan" Ryan nodded, whispering "cheers".

"Hey you there do you you do you wan go we dance? wanna go dance?" Ryan stumbled into Shane poking his nose making him giggle, "nooooo we should just stay here and watch everybody else dance" Shane pulled Ryan's hand back, "oh come on" Ryan whispered and slowly dragged Shane to the dance floor never breaking eye contact. Becky & Keith took to the floor for their wedding song routine, the crown then joined. Ryan leaned against Shane catching him guard but he quickly relaxed, he sheepishly smiled to himself and played with Ryan's hair, slowly their hands met as they began to sway, "you're amazing you know that right? Like really amazing" Shane mumbled "you had one too many baby" Ryan retorted with a snort. The slow music came to a stop, and BAM! The DJ kicks in with some Taylor Swift "jeez they're dancing like nobody is watching" Ryan laughed "everybody always does, it's admirable" Shane mumbled again "are you tired or just drunk?" Ryan whizzed around to ask his tall friend "haha wha but where's the all of above option" smiling he raised his head the slightly to watch the man before him, Ryan took Shane towards their very own reserved bar stools from earlier.
"Hey thank you all for coming to celebrate our wedding, it means the absolute world to us to be spending our special day with all our special loved ones, thank you!!" Becky and Keith cheered out across the sound system "I want that" Shane grumbled like a wee old man "let's get us home bubba" he slipped his arm around Shane to guide him onto the bus, blind leading the blind so to speak "let's get your seatbelt on, okay are you gonna be okay alone? I need to get on the other bus home" Shane shook his mop of hair yanked Ryan onto his seat conked out on his shoulder "guess Im not going anywhere" Ryan exclaimed defeatedly, playing with the other man's sloppy mop.

Ryan fumbled through Shane's suit pocket in desperate search for his house key "okay big guy, we're here, tu casa" Ryan unlocked the door with a struggled leading the green giant over here to bed. Shane tried to pull his own weight as straighten his posture, he lightly pushed Ryan onto the bed, with much more force intent  "jeez *Hiccup* at least take me out before bedding me" Ryan wheezed out wrapping his legs around Shane and tripping him onto the bed too. The two exchanged a loving glance, he whispered "I would love to take you out" Ryan laughed and pushed the other drunk back "mmm nothing more romantic than vodka breath" Shane laughed leaning in to sniff "yours isn't sunshine and flowers either, Bergera" Ryan reached his hands behind the taller man's neck and kissed him, it lingered for just a moment, maybe a moment too long.
"I'm going to be sick. Move. I'm -" Shane clambered off of the bed and scuttled away to the bathroom, Ryan flew from the bed and slid to the toilet where Shane Madej, sure as hell, was being sick. "Shaney, are you okay?" Ryan whispered slowly creeping towards the hunched gremlin on the floor, Shane grumbled and wave his hand unenthusiastically in return "here let me help bud" Ryan bent down on his knees stripping the sickly figure as if to not stain "oh? On your knees for me *hiccup* and umdrebilying me? Me lucky" Shane pale as ever "shut up I'm just trying to help stinky" Ryan frowned contradicting his massive grin "helping your own desires mister man" Shane joked nudging Ryan, swiftly interrupting to return his attention to the vomit bowl "wow, you're so romantic, Shaney baby" Ryan tried his best to comfort the sickly man, gently rubbing his back.
Ryan left Shane to his own devices whilst he cleaned up the bed but in his return Shane had already found himself a new bed within the tub, Ryan sighed with a smile, grabbed a pillow and blankets, climbed on in to the tub, his head lay atop Shane's chest, listening to his heart beat until sweetly slipping off to sleep.

Shane's eyes shot open darting around "Oh hey this is my house" Shane could feel his head ringing "so? I'm in the tub and wow a hangover too? Great" Shane tried with all his might to stand but there appeared to be a koala wrapped around his waist "aw da baby" Ryan's eyes fluttered with a yawn and a stretch "oh hey there cutie patootie" Shane giggled before coughing to compose himself "hi umm yeah, you gotta get up so I can get up too haha" Shane awkwardly pointed out "oh you want to get me up already, last night it was bed and now you want me up" Ryan smirked making Shane's cheeks flood crimson "oh uhhh I'm so sorry about last night dude I don't really remember much but I hope you're good and I'm good too and we all good dude" confusion slapped Ryan's face "what's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Got cold feet on me already, Madej?" Ryan joked through his confusion as he sat up "haha umm yeah listen, I gotta go but just get yourself ready and stuff and then I'll text you tomorrow or something cool? see ya soon" Shane stood with no hesitation or consideration, leaped from the tub to his bedroom, leaving a stunned Ryan standing in the tub. Ryan pondered for a second about whether or not he had said something wrong, slowly he rose from the bath. Shane interrupted his thought train again "okay I'm away, lock up when you're done and leave the key under the mat please haha bye!" With a sudden cold shudder of silence the door slammed shut, left all alone, he decided to shower, remove the stench of rejection and alcohol, an oh too well familiar combination. Ryan dressed and played with his hair in the mirror "I can't stop thinking...about you" he wondered wispily through the home perceiving the displays "oh look at you, you're so cute" Ryan stumbled upon a photo from a mutual friend's wedding a couple years back. "Oh wow" he learned so much about the mysterious disappearing man from his livingroom alone. Ryan argued with himself but in the end decided to leave a note "hey Shane, so last night was a lot of fun and you somehow made a usually lonely and depressing event for myself an incredibly fun and sweet one. I would really like to see you again sometime, here's my number and text me when you're free ~" Ryan carefully placed the note on the neatly made bed before leaving.
Ryan fell into a trance thinking about the gorgeous lanky man, of last night, the possibilities of what if. He whipped out his phone and brought up Shane's number, he began to text away "hi Shane, I don't know if you remembered my name, it's Ryan and I just wanted to let you know that I had a really good night last night, I think it would be cool if we met up again this week and hang out" Ryan paused to think, decided against sending it but accidentally did so anyway.
Shane looks to his phone surprised then smiled "oh what's that smile for? Found a cutie on your night out?" Shane's friend asked whilst bringing him a coffee "oh yeah, a real cutie, completely gorgeous and hot too" his friend Brent blew his hot coffee "sounds like you're already head over heels for this chick" Shane choked, "umm I mean *cough* haha nah you know me I don't like, soft like that, feelings are stupid anyway" Shane folded his arms and looked out the window "no matter who or what they are, sounds like you're madly in love already, my dear friend" Brent patted Shane's back as he continued staring out the window. What if?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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