Cute Boys and Comebacks

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A hundred sets of eyes focused on my form simultaneously, so suddenly that I could practically feel them on my skin. But none were as cutting as Kara's when her gaze settled on me, eyes glittering like granite diamonds. Fay tugged on my hand, trying to pull us back into the crowd and, but the wall of people was refusing to budge, heads craning to get a look at me. They pushed her forward as well, leaving us both stranded in the middle of the circle like prisoners in the dock.

I heard Fay draw in a sharp breath, clutching her camera strap to her shoulder. For some reason, I could barely pay attention to Kara- my eyes were trained on Aubrey instead, willing her to look at me. Our gazes locked for a moment, her eyes shuttered, discomfort written on her face. Her lips twitched, and for a split second, I thought she was going to say something, to intervene. Then she looked away.

Despite myself, my stomach dropped like a stone, hurt washing over me in a wave of warmth. Fine. So be it. I clenched my jaw, looking away; this wouldn't be the first public humiliation I'd had to endure alone, but it sure as hell would be my last. Kara stepped towards us, mouth set in a hard line and I watched her as she approached. Her beauty was like a dagger: sharp, mean and vindictive. Without her even opening her mouth, I could tell exactly the type of girl she was: the effortlessly perfect, has practically everything when she doesn't even try type. The type that had made my life miserable for as long as I could remember.

Kara drew directly in front of me and I shook my hair out of my face, squaring my shoulders. We were eye to eye, exactly the same height-except hers were burning with a cold type of fury I did not think was possible to feel towards a stranger, and mine were shuttered, expecting the worst. When she spoke, her voice was cold and silky smooth. 

"Before I ruin your life, I'll give you a chance to explain yourself."

My eyebrows shot into my hairline of their own accord. A chance to explain myself? 

I scoffed out loud, surprising even myself with my show of irritation.

Kara glared even harder, which, in retrospect, was quite a formidable feat seeing as she was practically burning holes into my skull by that point.

"Sarcasm isn't going to help your case, so you'd best quit being smart."

"Sorry, I would -except sarcasm falls out of my mouth like stupidity falls out of yours."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Fay's shoulders slump, and immediately a pang of regret twanged through me. She was studying her feet, and it occurred to me that she must've been hoping to keep confrontation to a minimum and manage a speedy exit. By the look on Kara's face, it was way too late for that.

The girl with the black hair who had been standing next to Aubrey strode towards us with deliberate steps. She had handed one of the smoothie cups to Aubrey and was now approaching with her own in her hand, eyes trained directly on Fay like a cat hunting a mouse; the type of cat that liked to play with its food before eating.

Fay turned to me, the fingers holding her books white with strain.

"Let her say what she wants- it's easier that way." Her voice was a low rasp, barely audible.

The black-haired girl drew up next to Kara, smiling viciously.

"Hello Keegan," she drawled, "I haven't seen you at the club meetings lately."

Fay stayed silent, fiddling with the strap of her camera. .Kara's eyes flashed to Fay for a second, regarding her with a dismissive sort of contempt, then she spoke to the girl, impatience in her voice:

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