One : Monopoly

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 The game's pieces roll around, a different one stopping in front of each person, almost like they were drawn to them.

Song of the Chapter: All Time Low - Weightless


"Wait, wait, wait a second. You mean to tell me you got us all worked up over a board game? You're kidding me right?"

San gives Seonghwa his best pouty face, not at all satisfied with how his friend was reacting to his discovery. The game he held in his hand was unlike anything he'd ever seen before and he'd thought that the others would be a little more excited. It was something that looked to be from a completely different time, a different era, one long before any of them were born.

Which to San meant one thing and one thing only: this game could be worth some money.

"Seonghwa this isn't just some board game, it's a freaking antique. Don't you know what this means?" San asks.

Yeosang raises an eyebrow and looks at Seonghwa, "You still wanna drop kick him? I'll go grab your good shoes."

Seonghwa shakes his head and puts a hand on Yeosang's shoulder to keep him from getting up and doing just that.

"No no no, let's let him explain himself first," he reasons, then adds as an afterthought, "And then we'll send him on a little trip if we don't like the answer. Better bundle up San, I hear Pluto's quite cold this time of ye-"

Wooyoung interrupts with a, "Hey, who said I agreed to that?"

Seonghwa and Yeosang exchange a knowing look, almost feeling bad for the guy at how poorly he was concealing his little crush. Clearly, subtlety was a term that was almost unheard of when it came to their friend group. And if San wasn't so oblivious he probably would have figured it out ages ago.

"Wooyoung, your gay is showing."

Before Wooyoung could say something that would cause him to get in another childish argument with Yeosang, someone banging on the door makes all of them go quiet.

"Open up hoes! We've got pizza and beer," their friend calls, a bit too overenthusiastic.

"Speaking of gay," Seonghwa sighs and walks back towards the door to let Yunho and Mingi into his apartment.

The two walk inside and quickly set everything they were holding down on the coffee table, matching grins plastered on both their faces.

"Good, everyone's already here. Let the party begin," Mingi says, already reaching into the plastic bag to pull out a can of their favorite beer.

The rest of them follow suit, leaving San frustrated that they'd already moved on from the topic without giving him a chance to explain. Not a single one of them really had a high paying job, so he couldn't understand why they wouldn't hear out his plot to make a little pocket cash. San briefly thought about dropping it and just keeping it all to himself, but he was too nice of a friend for that.

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