Two : Hot Glue

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A crack.

A crack so loud that it echoed around the room, the sound reverberating off the walls. Something so powerful that it could only be compared to a clap of thunder with the way that it shook the confines of Seonghwa and Yeosang's apartment suddenly and violently. This sound is what wakes the six boys up from where they'd all passed out in different spots across the living room, hungover and whining about how mother nature and her storms had no respect for their sleep time.

Except, it wasn't a storm.

This quickly becomes evident when none other than Choi San starts yelling, causing the others who had brushed off the noise and pulled the blankets over their heads to try and sleep more to jump up with a start.

"San what the heck?" Mingi whines, rubbing at his eyes and kicking at the blanket that had wrapped itself a bit too tightly around his long legs due to the sudden movement.

"It's broken! Which one of you hoes did it?" San asks, annoyance clear in his tone.

He was turned away from them, but by the way his back was rising and falling with deep breaths and the way his hands clenched into fists by his side, anyone could tell he was angry. The rest of the boys look back and forth between each other, no one quite sure what exactly their friend was going on about. That is, until he bends down to pick something up off the floor.

Still mad as ever, San turns back towards the rest of them with two perfectly cut pieces of wood in his hands. It doesn't take long for everyone to realize just what that wood belonged to. What San was holding was none other than the thing he'd made such a fuss about the night before, in a much less sellable state to put it lightly.

Because now? Now the board game, the antique that got their hopes up (or at least San's) for a bit of quick cash, was broken. With it split right down the middle, there was no way they'd be able to make anything off of it now.

"This! This is what I'm talking about," San whines, waving the pieces of wood in the air for emphasis. "Now answer me! Which one of you hoes did it?"

"Woah woah wait a minute," Seonghwa says, raising his hands in a defensive manner. "What makes you think we had anything to do with it?"

San sets the broken pieces on the coffee table and plops down onto the floor in front of it, arms crossed over his chest like a pouting child. Him being overdramatic was nothing new to the other boys, but acting like this over something so small was a bit overkill. Even Wooyoung, who could 100% rival San in a drama queen showdown, felt shocked by this.

"If not one of you, then who? The witch?" San says, motioning to one of the only game pieces that hadn't gone missing. "Come on Seonghwa, just admit it and I'll stop."

"San you need to chill out, we were all asleep. So unless Mingi started sleepwalking aga- hey!"

Before Yunho could even finish his sentence he's tackled to the ground by Mingi, who clearly hadn't liked where it was going. It didn't take long for the tussle to turn into something less playful and more cuddly. Nothing new to the rest of the boys, but that didn't mean they wanted to see their friends being all lovey dovey and just plain gross.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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