Dear Honey // A Love Letter from...Izuku!

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"Dear honey,

I know that you probably aren't expecting this.

Love letters aren't really in fashion anymore but...I'm just too shy to speak to actually you! And texting you just seems so...average. Not at all romantic, nothing personal about it at all. And what I have to say to you is SO very personal, it's really the kind of thing I should say to you myself.

But I can't. I just can't!

I try and I try to approach you but...I'm always interrupted.

It's because of all those flies around you, your so called "friends." Annoying, buzzing, babbling little flies. I HATE them! I HATE that you're NEVER alone, that I can NEVER just talk to you! Something are simply meant to be said alone but...Those flies! Always buzzing around you! Such annoying creatures! I had SUCH a wonderful confession all planned but those friends of yours ruin it! Every! Single! Time!

They always say that flies are attracted to honey and I guess that's pretty true, huh?

You are so sweet and lovely, just like honey.

And I guess I can't really blame you for being so popular. You're pretty and perfect and I'm not the only one who's drawn to you.

But I AM the only one who deserves you!

Don't you get it, honey? Those flies aren't any good for you! They aren't your true friends! They could never, EVER care about you the way I do. I know that they've deceived you, you're just too innocent and sweet to know any better.

But that's okay.

I'm going to take care of them, all of them. Every. Last. Little. Fly.

I just know that once you know me a bit better, you won't care for those annoying little flies any more. I'll swat them far, far away and we can be happy, me and my honey! And if those horrible little flies persist...well, I can handle them myself. I know that you may be a little upset at first but you don't have to worry.

My love will make you feel all better! With me at your side, you'll never, ever be lonely or sad at all! You'll be MUCH happier without them, I promise.

I've written you SO, SO MANY letters, Y/N, but this is the first one I've ever sent you. Maybe one day, you can finally read the others! Maybe I'll send you another letter soon...You'll just have to wait and see!

Until then, honey!


Your secret admirer."

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