A Confession // A Love Letter...from Kaoru!

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 "Dear Y/N,

I must have written this same letter time and time again.

You can't possibly imagine just how much pen and paper I've wasted in my efforts to express these feelings in my heart. But it's so hard, trying to figure out the perfect way to write out my feelings for you...perhaps there simply is no perfect way.

Perhaps there are no words that are good enough to describe how I feel for you. All I can really do is just...write it out. So here it is:

I love you, Y/N.

Since our very first meeting, my heart has belonged only to you. I never thought that I would ever feel a love so powerful, so beautiful, so...perfect. It was a quite a surprise to me, but it was a lovely surprise. It was something that I've always dreamed of...that sounds a bit silly, doesn't? But I suppose that I've always had a bit of a romantic inclination and, well, you've just encouraged it.

You wouldn't believe the things that I've day dreamed about.

The cute little dates we'll go one, sunny picnics and romantic dinners! I'd take you around to shops and buy you anything you want (do you think you'd be willing to put up with me and try on some dresses and things? Would you be my little doll? I'd just love to dress you up).

Our first kiss! I can just imagine how soft your lips would feel against mine, how sweet they would taste. Just the very idea of kissing you makes me blush and my lips tingle (do you dream about it too? Are you as excited as I am?)...

I've dreamed about a million other things too, darling. Giving you flowers (orange roses, of course), holding your hand, studying with you and cuddling with you, spending lazy days together, kissing you and holding you and loving you. Oh, you can't imagine how much I've dreamed of you! How long I've watched you! It seems like my eyes always manage to find you, Y/N, and whenever they do...I just can't look away.

You're so beautiful. So perfect and sweet.

I've done nothing but watch you and want you for weeks and now...it's just too much. I can't keep my feelings in any longer, darling, I have to tell you!

I love you so much.

I love you more then anything else on this earth. You are my precious rose, my sunshine, my starlight, my heart and my soul. I feel so foolish writing this but...I just love you too much, Y/N, I have to have you!

So this is my confession and my promise:

Before you arrived in my life, love was only a little word. You gave it a meaning, you showed my what true love is. And for that, darling, I absolutely love you. And one day...you'll be mine. I'm going to steal your heart away, even if I have to steal you first. No matter what, we are going to be together forever.

Forget everything else, it doesn't matter as much as our love. You don't need anything or anyone except for me darling...you'll see that soon. No matter what, you and I will be together. I love you, Y/N. And one day, you'll love me too.

All my heart, Kaoru."

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