My Goddess // A Love Letter from...Hanzo!

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 "My Goddess,

Please do not be afraid of me.

I know that you must be so terribly confused right now, unsure and shaken. Perhaps you are even frightened of me. But it is only a lack of understanding that has left you feeling such things! I know that this all must be very unexpected...after all, who expects to be whisked away like this? You're such a sweet little thing, so innocent and unsuspecting...

You never even knew.

You never even saw me.

When I watched you from the shadows, you remained so sweetly unaware of my presence...oh, how I loved watching you! I was simply unable to stop myself from gazing at you through the night, taking in every little thing about you. It was as though I was putting together the bits of your life, piece by piece by piece.

I learned all about you.

The little details that made you the beautiful being you are. Likes and dislikes. Quirks and habits, preferences and hobbies, every little thing. At first, it was just normal little things...but then it became more private, things no one else knew. No one but me, my love. The rest of the world did not see you who for who you truly were, only I knew your hidden truths.

I discovered all of your dirty little secrets.

The little things that you hide from the world, the things no one knew. The way you would undress in the darkness, exposing your naked body (I felt unworthy to see such a thing...but I could not look away from you!), hands slipping between your thighs. Pleasuring yourself...moaning and I longed to touch you! To please you and make love to you, to worship you in the most magnificent of ways.

Oh! My beautiful goddess!

It felt so sinful, watching you like this. But I needed to...oh, how I needed to gaze upon your beauty, your glow, your perfection! You were my own dirty secret, my fantasy, my everything.

I cannot count the number of times I crept close, leaning over you in the dark. I wanted to kiss you! I wanted to make love to you! But I held back, promising myself that one goddess would be mine.

So many nights I watched you. Gazed at you. Crept close and fought my inner urges, touching myself to thoughts of you. Your beauty, your kindness, your everything was simply so wonderful to me...

How I loved you! How I longed for you!

Everything little thing about you, I alone knew. No one on this earth knows you as well as I do, for I am your most devoted worshiper. didn't know a thing about me. You had no clue that I lurked in the darkness, watching over you...My goddess, that was truly all I wanted! To watch you, to worship them from afar, to dream of the day we would be together. And for so long, that was simply enough.

I could watch patiently. I would wait in the shadows. I could dream quietly. It was all just enough for me, until...Until he came along.

That pathetic little creature...he was not worthy of you!

He did not deserve to be near you and love you and have you...God! How I hated him! I hated having to watch you smile at him and kiss him and love him...he didn't deserve you! He wasn't worthy of you!!

He deserved everything I gave to him!

Please do not weep.

You must understand, I will not hurt you. I could never! Oh, I only wish to love adore you...I only wish to worship you! I know that you must be innocent woman like yourself has never seen such bloodshed.

I never meant for you to find me like this. I never wanted you to see that creature's corpse.

But...mistakes were made, my goddess. And I am sorry for them. I will repent and beg for your mercy, for your forgiveness. If you would only allow me to make it up to you, I could fix it all! I could heal your hurt. I could take away your pain and wipe away your tears.

Though things have not worked out the way I wanted...but I will make things right.

A goddess like yourself deserved to be loved and worshiped the proper way, the way I have always planned to. I would dress you in the finest of silks, cover you in pearls and gold, oh, how happy you would be! The home I am building for you is great and golden with fine rooms and gardens for you to explore when I am away. And when I am there...when we are together...

We could be so happy! Don't you see that, my goddess?

I would love you.

Your every need to be seen to, your every wish would be granted. No matter what you asked of me, I would strive to please you! Wouldn't you like that, my love? To be be loved and adored and worshiped beyond measure.

The happiness I would give you would be like nothing you have ever felt before. I would cherish your body and soul, loving you both sweetly and sensually. Wouldn't you adore that? Blushing at my sweet words, gasping at my touch, covering you in all of my honeyed loved...

I would worship you.

My hands, my lips, my body, my all belongs to you, my goddess! Every breath I take is an effort to please you, every thought revolves round you. When my hands reach low to pleasure myself, it's with thoughts of you. When I dream and sigh so happily in my sleep at night, it is because of you. Dreaming or waking, my every moment is devoted to my darling goddess!

I write this letter is hopes of explaining myself. Tonight, I will come to you again, hoping to start a new once more...

Once more, I promise what I have always promised:

My love, my loyalty, my everything! I would give you and only you my heart, my mind, my body, and soul, my utter devotion all to you! And all I ask in return is one thing...

Please, my goddess...let me love you.


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