Is she really Soojin?

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I quickly runs out of the cafe towards them. Unfortunately, I was missed a step. Both of them have cycle away. From the back I couldn't confirm it was Soojin or not. Or maybe I was just thinking her too much causing me look someone else as her......

-End of Kyungsoo's POV-



Me : Thank you for sending me home.

Hyunsoo : Ah, it's nothing. I'd be happy if I can send you home everyday.

Me : You're starting again.... I won't play with you anymore, see you tomorrow at school! (Wave at him)



As like that, my day is full with funs, especially on my part time job, with Hyunsoo. He always make joke for me. He will be the first one to heal me when I was upset. Somehow, we are getting closer and closer one by one day. Slowly, I think my thoughts about that boy is decreasing. And today, Hyunsoo invites me to hangout together. And of course, I wouldn't reject him. I like hangout with friends. "Cheonhodong park". My mind was being flashback for a while when he wakes me up.

Hyunsoo : What are you thinking so deeply?

Me : Oh, nothing. What do you want to ask anyway?

Hyunsoo : You've thinking deeply like this lately. Is there something wrong?

Me : Nothing. Just something not important.

Hyunsoo : Here. Got you an ice cream.

Me : How did you know my favorite flavour, huh?

Hyunsoo : Of course I know. I.......


I heard him whispering something at the last word. I wonder what did he said. Nevermind, maybe something not important too. I was licking my ice cream when suddenly he wipes some ice cream stain that I didin't notice on my face.

Hyunsoo : Be careful when you eating. I can't hold myself when you're this cute.

I felt like my face was so hot suddenly, as I'm blushing. Yah, I don't want him to see this!! I quickly turn away as nothing happened. I was licking my ice cream as I feel his hand grab mine, causing me almost choke, blushing even more. All I could do is just, lowered my head and cover my face with my hair.



Last stop, ferris wheel. Both of us are silent as we entered. We couldn't even talk. We are quiet and quiet, until my mind was being flashback again as I see this familiar scene.



"Someone kissed me at here....?? I've ever rode this with...... Who is him... I couldn't see his face clearly....."



Who is him? I really want to know who is him! Sometimes, by thinking this could make me cry. It just annoying. My stupid mind wouldn't let me know.

After just now's incident, we didin't talk much to each other. Just saying goodbyes to each other. Maybe both of us are to shy because just now.




"OhmyGod, why did that stupid teacher giving me punishment! I'm gonna be late for work! Aish, why there is no appearance of taxi???!!!" I talk to myself as I begin to worry about my work. Not that I'm worrying too much but I'm gonna be late for 1 hour already!! As I got in the taxi, I couldn't stop rushing the uncle to drive fastly. I bet he must be annoyed by me. I bump onto a boy as I was going to walk in cafe. Because I was in hurry, I could only say "short apologize" to him. I throw my bag to one of the table as I entered. As I was busy with many things, Hyunsoo on the other hand, couldn't stop pestering me. Sometimes I'll feel good, but sometimes I'll feel annoyed. And for suddenly, he stops and walks towards locker. I ignore him and continue woth my work. I was gonna walk into staff room where the lockers are, when I feel a pair of hands pull me. I landed in front of Hyunsoo. My heart race faster and my face feels hot again. He stares at me eyes straightly, not even talking.



[Kyungsoo's POV]


"Sorry!" A girl said as she bump onto me. I was gonna to reply her 'It's Okay', but she was in hurry that I didin't even have a chance to said that. I'll relax myself as usual. And this time, I was shocked my something again. The bag that Soojin usually use. I think and think, this isn't right. Her sound, snapback, and her bag. Too much coincidence. I run towards the cashier immediately. I see her walk into staff room. I slowly walk in......

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