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"Check the dumpsters," I instructed my men, my eyes never leaving the specimen before me.

At five-foot-two, the slender creature stood with her shoulders back and her head held high. There was blood soaking into her jacket, evidence of her fight for survival. Her green eyes had determination written all over them.

Gio, Vince, and Tony jogged back toward me a few moments later. A single nod from Vince told me everything I needed to know.

This tiny woman had managed to kill three of my soldiers.

I was definitely intrigued.

"Take the bag."

Tony reached for the bag hanging over her shoulder, ready to take back what was mine when she pulled a nine-millimeter from her jacket pocket and pointed it right at my face. I grinned.

This woman had balls.

"I swear to God, I will shoot you in your fucking face if anyone touches me or my money."

I arched a single brow, tilting my head in amusement. "Your money?"

"You heard me, asshole." She cocked the gun and held it steady, her stance unwavering and fearless.

Sliding my hands into my coat pocket, I took a step forward, allowing the street lamp to illuminate my features for the first time. Her eyes widened a fraction and her lips parted – just barely, but I noticed.

I smirked, holding her emerald gaze. "You are mistaken. That money belongs to me, and you stole it."

Her big eyes darted between mine, her thoughts a mystery behind her mask of stoicism. It was only then that I noticed how sunken in her eyes were. Dark circles bordered those big, green eyes, and her cheekbones were too sharp, too defined.

She was starving.

"I'll tell you what," I said, my hands still resting comfortably in my pockets and my posture relaxed, "keep the money. You can work it off over time."

Panic entered her eyes, her posture stiffening further when she heard my proposal. "Work it off how?"

I smiled, hoping to ease the tension and make her relax. "You killed three of my soldiers. For a woman your size, that's quite impressive."

She scowled, a look of disgust flitting across her pretty features. "It was self-defense. Those pigs threatened to rape and kill me."

Now it was my turn to scowl. Rape was not something I ever condoned. Killing, well that was all part of the business. It was nothing personal.

"I apologize for their untoward behavior. My men are aware of the standards I expect them to uphold. I never have, nor will I ever order the rape of a helpless woman."

Her scowl deepened, her right hand still aiming the gun at my face. "I'm far from helpless. Your thugs can attest to that. Oh, wait. They're dead." There was a mischievous gleam in her eyes. Whether she realized it or not, she got a high from the kill. It was obvious in the prideful way she talked about it.

"My mistake. You can clearly hold your own."

She stared at me as though she wasn't quite sure whether to believe in my compliment or take it as a threat. A smart woman.

She suddenly wavered where she stood, her face draining of its color. It was then that I noticed the blood dripping from her left shoulder. It rolled down the sleeve of her jacket and dripped onto the floor.

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