A Place to Call Home.

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Castiel Novak:

It's been a few days since I got a reply to my housing ad. I'm meeting the person today at Dovingdale park. It's a local place not many people go because there isn't much to do. Just a few small streams and small forested areas. A children's park is much better entertainment these days apparently. I changed into my usual clothes, a pair of clean, baggy, ripped jeans and a long-sleeved shirt covered by my leather jacket. I'm alone today, I told my usual guys to just leave me be. Just leave me alone. I don't want to be near anyone today. I swing by a coffee shop, my favourite coffee shop, and grab a black coffee with a shot of vanilla. It sounds weird but I like it. Then I just drive. It's too early to go to the park so I just drive up and down the streets of New York staring at the tired 7:30 am faces dragging their heels to get to work. When it's finally about time, I park and get out. I walk through the park, passed a few chirping birds, and down to the bridge far off from the road. I can see from here that there isn't anyone there yet. They must be running late. Dumbass. They're lucky I like this park.

Dean Winchester:

I got off work at 4 in the morning last night, and I was wrecked. I don't think I could have had a worse night. People were groping me and this guy wouldn't stop following me when I left so I had to hide in an alley way for over an hour while he drunkenly stumbled through the street. I had a total of 5 panic attacks, it felt like I couldn't breath. It felt like I was choking. God, that brought back some horrible memories. Needless to say, I didn't get to fall asleep under a tree in the park until after 5:00 am. I knew I had to meet the house guy in the morning so I tried to wake myself up accordingly. But when I woke up and looking at my watch, it said 8:26 am. Shit. Fuck. Shit. God dammit I'm an idiot. I got up and tried to wipe the dirt off of myself. I still looked gross and unkept. I pushed my hair back and wiped my face on my shirt before jogging through the park. As I got closer, I could see a figure standing on the bridge. The must be the guy I'm meeting. I can't see his face yet- I hope he isn't a weirdo. I kept jogging until I reached the bridge and slowed down with a heavy panting coming from my aching chest. I feel so stupid being late like this. I feel so...pitiful. I hate that. I walked closer to the man with a weary chuckle.

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. I lost track of time. I'm De- "

I stopped mid-name when I saw his face. Oh. My. God. It's him. It's the fucker from the club a few nights ago. He's looking at me like he's confused again. Wait. There it is- he remembers. Shit.

Castiel Novak:

I've been waiting for almost a half hour now and I feel a little annoyed. My coffee is good though. I turn to look as someone comes jogging towards the bridge. Some kid by the looks of it. He's a little dirty, maybe he's homeless. It is not uncommon around here to see homeless kids. As he gets closer, he starts to talk to me. Oh. He's the guy from the email. Well... it could be worse. He stops talking suddenly and looks up at me. What is his problem? Wait. Is that- Oh my god, it is.

"You're the guy from the strip club."

"And you're the untalented stripper, if I do recall correctly. You told me to 'shut my trap' right?"

"Uh...yeah, that was me."

He looks uncomfortable and he's taken a few steps away from me. He's looking out towards the path and pulling at his sleeves. I didn't expect to ever see this guy again. He looks back at me and his eyes...they're so green. I didn't know it was possible for anyone to have such pigmented eyes.

"Are those real?"


"Your eyes. Are those contacts?"

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