Dark or Darker?

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Castiel Novak:

Castiel got into his car and started it up, waiting on his brother and the stripper he was renting a house to, to get in. He had Led Zeppelin playing from a CD screaming 'Pour Some Sugar on Me- in the name of love -Pour Some Sugar on Me'. Immediately he noticed the blond in the back perk his eyes up and look towards the radio. Gabriel got in and scoffed at the song, reaching to change it. Before he could, Dean spoke up from the back seat.

"I love this song. I haven't heard this in forever, man."

"It's pretty good stuff."

Castiel gave Gabriel a cocky stare and smirked as they drove off. The engine roared while they glided smoothly down each and every street. They were in the car for about 30 minutes before Castiel parked in front of a large building and a car valet came to take the keys. Gabriel and Castiel got out and Dean slowly followed. He stared up at the building with wide eyes.

He looks freaked out. The building is tall but is it really that intimidating? Did he expect something else? He's getting a free meal, is he actually thinking about complaining.

"I can't go in that place."

"Why not? It isn't that bad."

"No- no. I mean, I can't go in a place that nice. I cannot go in there. Look at me!"

"You look fine. C'mon, it's just Molovelies. It's not Le Chateau De Frontenac. You're fine. Cas, tell him he's fine."

I listen quietly while Gabriel talks to Dean and Dean counteracts everything he says. He doesn't seem very confident, or maybe he is just humble. I can't tell and I don't care. As long as we're paying, they can't tell us we can't be here. We're fine. He's fine.

"Let's go Dean. Gabriel is right, you're okay. Just follow us."

"I- ugh... fine. If you say so."

We go into the restaurant. I've been here before and the door man already knows me.

"Mister Novak! So good to see you. Your usual table?"

"Yes, thank you."

As we're walking to a large corner booth table, Gabriel is gawking at the paintings on the walls. Some are Picasso, some are other famous works. He's a theatre geek so it impresses him beyond words. Dean doesn't look phased- just scared. The waiters in $1000-dollar suits and the baristas in their cocktail dresses have him on edge and I can see it clear as day. We sit down in the booth and Gabriel is chatting up a storm with the first waiter who walks by. This is typical of him. I pick up the menu- I've read it a thousand times before -so I push it aside for Dean to look at. I tell him to get whatever he wants. He say's okay, but I can still see him squirm as he skims over the prices. It's almost... attractive. A guy who isn't comfortable with taking advantage of someone else's money. He seems kind. Kinder than I originally thought he was. And more grounded than I assumed during our first 'meeting'. I must look pretty wacked out, meeting a guy at a strip club before renting a place out to him. He must think I'm quite odd. I wouldn't blame him, I am weird. Eventually Dean just drops the menu and rubs his forehead like he's at the end of a really long quiz. He looks at the waiter, points to Gabriel, and tells him that he wants whatever Gabe is having. Gabe just grins wildly, of course.

"Alrighty, well we will be having New York Striploin Steaks cooked in the most expensive wine you have available. Red wine though, please. And I'd like mine medium rare. You too, Dean? Yeah he'll have it the same way."

"What- that's- oh.. fine. Whatever, yes, thank you."

He's so polite. For a stripper, that is.

Dean Winchester:

We're at this restaurant that I think may have been literally made for gods to eat at. The place is made out of marble and vintage red leather booths. I swear the menu is $60 dollars and up no matter what you buy. Even the drinks are expensive as fuck. I still don't know why I'm here or why these guys brought me or why I can't stop stealing glances at my landlord. This guy has got a jaw that was chiselled by one of the artists from the renaissance. Probably. And those damn eyes. He's like looking into the purest pond and finding nothing but more water. Or a sky. But not the sky during the day, no. The sky during the evening right before the sun sets and the colours fluctuate and the blue hues radiate like they're on the verge of exploding. That type of sky.

"What will you have to drink, sir?"

Is he actually calling me sir? I'm in ripped fucking jeans. I look homeless. Go away you walking cheese grater.

"Chocolate milk."

"What was that, sir? Can you please speak up?"

"I said I want a glass of chocolate milk. Please."

"No wine?"

"No. Chocolate. Milk. Please."

"Of course, sir."

The waiter walks off and Gabriel is grinning at me like he just hit a jackpot at the casino. Castiel is rolling his eyes but he looks amused.

"See Cas, chocolate milk /rocks/."

"Gabriel, it is a child's drink. You are a child. And so is he."

"Ok, hold up a second. Chocolate milk is almost as good as pie. And pie is... heavenly."

There's a moment of silence before a quiet fit of laughter erupts from our table between the two men. Gabriel gets excited and starts teasing his brother while Cas just laughs and shakes his head like a disapproving father would. This is nice. It reminds me of Sam. It makes me miss him so much more now. Being without him is like relearning how to walk. It's hard and confusing and I just wish he were here. I wish we were together so I didn't have to worry about him. I hope he's okay and doesn't get worried when I don't call. I don't have a choice right now. Sorry Sammy.

The meals come and everyone eats. Dean and Gabriel eat like slobs while Cas watches in disgust. He eats slow and appropriately while sipping at a black coffee. Dean chugs 3 glasses of chocolate milk and calls it 'talent' while Gabe claps approvingly. They all looks like old friends, or siblings. Dinner lasts two hours before they finish up the bad stories, food, and dark humoured jokes. Castiel pays the $270 bill and tips the waiter 50%. There's a good reason they treat him so well here, and for once it isn't because of his 'job'. They all say thank you to the waiter, and wave him goodbye as they exit the building. A man in a yellow vest brings the car back to them and they get in it. Cas tips that man too, and waves him a goodbye as he pulls away. They drive in a more comfortable silence now, heading to drop Dean off. No one talks, but the atmosphere feels lighter. Gabriel is smiling to the music and Dean is nodding off in the back seat. 30 minutes later, they pull up in front of the white house. It's almost midnight. Dean perks up and yawns.

"Thank you for dinner. It was fun. Nice meeting you Gabriel, we should hang out again sometime. Maybe catch a movie?"

"Yeah for sure, I'd love that. Hey, are you expecting company?"

Dean looked at Gabriel with a puzzled stare before Castiel pointed towards the porch. In the darkness of the night, there was a shadow of a man standing by his front door. Deans heart started pounding in his chest and his throat got tight.

"Oh god..."

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