Chapter 14

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"Harreh? Harreh. we're here." Harry was woken up by gentle taps on his cheeks, bradford accent to his ears. They're back in london, his eyes looking around the all too painfully familiar place just outside his flat. "you oke?" zayn asked him, and he nodds when he realized he's looking at him with brows furrowed. "yea, its just.. my neck hurts a bit."

"that's what you get for lovin the windo so much," zayn chuckles, "I tried moving your head to a more comfortable position but it always find its way back there."

Harry chuckles too, bones in his neck clicking as he tilts his head from one side to the other, then he looks at zayn again. He found him looking at him with concern, and harry gets it then. "oh." He said and unbuckles his seatbelt. "sorry." He was about to open the passenger seat when zayn grabbed his wrist, but not roughly, just enough to pull him closer to zayn. "harreh, are you sure you're oke?"

"I'm fine. promise." He answered with a smile. Zayn looked at him a few more seconds before nodding. Harry nodded back and zayn let go of his wrist. It should be harry's cue to get out of the car, so when zayn grabbed him by the neck and kissed his lips in such speed, he wasn't suddenly sure. "I'll give you a call, yea?" Zayn told him, his breath ghosting over Harry's lips. "okay. drive safe?" Then he got off while he still can, walking straight to the front door without looking back. He knew zayn would wait til he's inside. He always does.

Its confusing as fuck.

Everything is. two nights ago they were on each other's throat and an hour after that they promised they'll make it work. Harry promised to try. Then the next morning they were back at the library cafe having breakfast, harry finishing If I stay and zayn on another graphic novel, finally giving DC a chance.

It frustated harry how the ending was a cliff hanger, only to found out that the book was the first installment on a trilogy. They went to the movies to watch it, too. Even if harry insisted that he wanted to watch ninja turtles instead of it. He really does, but Zayn thought that he was only saying it because of zayn's addiction to these kinds of movies.

Harry felt like they're too old for it, and he find it lame, two lads on their twenties watching it. But he didn't say anything. He wanted to say how ninja turtle would be more fun, but when he looked to his left and saw how zayn focused on every scene, he stopped himself. The popcorn was good, he thought, being it his first time trying the sour cream one.

He's now halfway on finishing the mug of chamomile tea he made himself when he got in his flat when his phone started ringing. He checked who it was first, before eagerly answering it.

"Luuuuke! what's up?" And harry could hear chuckles on the other line.

"Heard you're back, mate. Just checking how your anti-reality escapade go." It was harry's turn to laugh.

"shut up, you squirt. It was...." Then he tried to remember how it was. He can't really tell him how it confused him more, so.. "fine."

"okay? Anyway, what're you doing tonight? We're going out tonight. me, Louis and Liam. So if you wanna come..."

Harry was about to say yes when he remembered that His car was still in cheshire, Zayn insisting they both ride his car and he'll just ask someone to get it tonight. "I would, but can you pick me up? My car's still in cheshire... and don't ask!"

"fine.. I'll be there in an hour." Luke informed him with a fake sigh before hanging up. Harry can't seem to ignore how Luke sometime sounds american. He looks american too, does he not? but he shrugs it off and got back to his tea.

He should think of what to wear, but he doesn't bother. He hasn't even removed his shoes yet. Its been awhile since he last went into clubs, so the thought of the a zedd song banging to his ears and alcohol burning his throat should make the fibers in his body excited, but it doesn't.

He missed his best mate, as well as this Luke kid. Liam's a fun lad too.

He just doesn't want to be alone tonight, so maybe he'll join the lad's night out.

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