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Monday Night Raw: Ryker's Pov
I was tapping up my wrists when Triple H came in my locker room to tell me I was on in 5
So I put on my Jacket and walked to gorilla my theme played the crowd I walked out feeling amazing then I saw Braun make his way down the ramp seeing his overall size is a lot harder to comprehend face to face and it forced me to adjust my strategy a little the bell rang and Braun came charging at me so I rolled out of the ring he hit the corner with what must've been a ton of force quickly I ran up the apron and hit him with a hard elbow which probably just pissed Braun off more he charged once again but I was able to hit him with a kick to the stomach between the ropes. Then I made a horrible mistake I went for a spring board knee he caught and nailed me with a spinebuster then followed that up with a elbow drop from the second rope then he deadlifted me and tossed me into a turnbuckle and nailed me with a shoulder block I rolled out of the ring to regroup he followed me but as I saw Braun running around the corner I ran under the ring he looked for me but he couldn't find me  because I rolled out the other side waited for him to look up an nailed him with a penalty kick temporarily stunning Braun he was leaning against the steel pole and I saw an opportunity so I took it giving him a running dropkick I rolled him in to the ring pinned him but was only able to get a 2 count so I waited for him to get up and attempted a super kick he caught me and gave me a gorilla press slam and went for a spear type move which I ducked and was able to lock in a sleeper hold and win by K.O.
I walked to the backstage arena
Got a water from catering sat down when I was approached by Liv Morgan
Ryker: Hey Liv
Liv: Hey um I have an odd question for you
Ryker: what is it
Liv: well could you take me back to the hotel after the show
Ryker: yea, don't you usually ride with Lexi
Liv: yea but she wasn't feeling well after her match
Ryker: oh ok
After the show
Ryker couldn't find Liv any where so he decided that he would wait by his car while he waited
Half an hour later
at this point she was taking forever this better not be a shitty joke from Lexi he decided to go check around once more but the place was literally empty except for a couple of people taking apart the ring he walked around for at least an hour when he heard a door open he walked to it when he walked to it nothing appeared to be there so he turned to walk away thats when he felt someone jump on to his back it was none other than Liv Morgan
Liv: did ya miss me
Ryker: how long were you hiding 
Liv: for about 2 hours
Ryker: you're just like Lexi
Liv: shes the one who came up with the idea
Ryker: of course she did
You guys get in the car
Liv: why are you being so quiet
Ryker: why what do you want to talk about.
Liv: umm how old are you
Ryker: I'm 22
Liv: how long have you been wrestling
Ryker: about eight years now
Liv: really you started at 14
Ryker: yea ne and my friends and I went to a small company when we were in 8th grade were we would have matches but it's what ever
Liv: No, keep going
Ryker: Somehow some of us actually got offers from real promotions and by the time I was 15 I got an offer from New Japan but my immigration request got declined so I decided that I would do a "foreign exchange" to a school in Japan I never went though once a month maybe and in Japan I met Finn, AJ, Karl, and Luke Wrestled there for like 7 years and went back to the U.S. and did shows in Mexico and America for until last week
then pair arrived at Liv's hotel room
Adn said goodbye and went ther separate ways

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