Ch. 3

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Ryker is in Hunters office for a meeting about him winning the Intercontinental championship at Extreme Rules later that night
Hunter: so we want to make you a big deal with this run as IC Champ so do you have any Ideas in mind
Ryker: well I guess I do have one when I was working with NJPW and other Promotions they always had a women accompany me to the ring to add to my arrogant heel persona and maybe that could work for this IC title run
Hunter: alright so who are you thinking for your manager Lexi maybe she is your cousin after all
Ryker: well they weren't necessarily my manager and I don't think Lexi would need that to help her progress in this industry as she is a former womens champion
Hunter: okay I see and your right about Lexi she doesn't need this to help her.
After about 15 minutes of going through the roster they weren't able to find someone who fit the two were getting doubtful that they would find someone then it hit Ryker.
Ryker: Liv
Hunter: who.
Ryker: Liv Morgan
Hunter: Yes,she would be perfect after being kicked out of the Riott Squad she doesn't really have anything to do.  Perfect I'll call you guys in here later to finalize details for Raw but be prepared for your match tonight Lashley is no slouch but I believe in you
Later that night
Bobby Lashley made his entrance with his hype man Lio Rush
Then Ryker made his entrance his theme blasted throughout the arena
Fans cheered loud enough that it seemed to break the sound barrier
Ryker went to the ring and went at it with Bobby, at one point Bobby hit a gut wrenching spear and a gorilla press Lashley had a Power advantage but Ryker had a speed advantage using that to his advantage he was able to wear Bobby down and hit a Backstabber to set up his finish but Lio Rush Intervened and Ryker slid out of the ring and slammed him into the barricade and hit a V-Trigger to take Rush out of the match you saw Bobby who was leaning against the ropes and said F it and went for a m
another V-trigger but Bobby dodged and went for a dominator which Ryker was able to escape from and hit a Superkick and locked his Finisher
(a modified regal stretch) while Bobby  tried to escape the task proved to difficult and Lashley had to tap
The crowd was hyped up and excited
For him and Ryker was thankful
As Ryker walked backstage he was congratulated by tons of people  including the Usos, Orton, and the Hardys
Monday Night Raw
Nia Jax: so with Charlotte back on Smackdown, Ronda Retired, and my Beatdown of Becky last night I need some competition so I'm holding an Open Challenge to anybody who wants my Raw women's title
After a while nobody came out
Nia: nobody that's what I thought
Then Liv's music played and she came out
Nia: cut the music, sweetie if you take this challenge I will break you
Liv: is that supposed to scare my
Mrs. Piggy
Nia on command Just started beating the hell out of Liv the ref got control and started the match Nia was Just destroying Liv and about half way through the match Ryker came in and grabbed a chair and sat until his cue Nia was going for a Senton but was tripped by Ryker landing hard against the mat which allowed Liv to hit her codebreaker on Nia and score a 3 count and win the match as Liv and Ryker were walking up the ramp Ryker held up his championship showing that he was here to dominate then WWE
And when they got backstage Liv was Greeted by an enormous hug from Lexi
Lexi: I'm so proud and Happy for you Liv
Finn walked over to Ryker to congratulate him
Finn: are we supposed to hug now
Ryker: no never
Finn: yea your right I'll be coming for that title soon enough though
Ryker: anytime anywere

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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