she swims

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she doth come to me
on nights just as still
and the darkness of the sky
mocked by stars, merely holes
allowing a peek into the heavens

her eyes are just as lustrous,
as the sparks ignited in me
as palms grow cold
and stone seep with warmth

the river was cold,
this time of night,
but she swam for hours
as i walked by her side

but once,
she did try to pull me in
and the waters evaporated,
steaming, into the night
and i saw her legs, for the first time

scales shone dull,
against the moonlight
my eyes glowing,
a lip bit back in fear

lava and fire,
from what i desire,
for a woman with no feet
but a fin for me to kiss

and i will, i say, as she drags me down
where my eyes can close
in her love, i will drown

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