5 short poems

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at first it was an accident,
now i know you're just a sadist
thinking theres no consequence,
for anything you do

we all know there is something inside us,
it begs for tomorrow, and it knows it is coming.
there is something greater here.
the puddles reflect what I can't see.
how I wish to jump through,
to a world unlike this one.
perhaps she will be deep enough,
to let me find peace before I drown--------my anatomy is made of stars
forever burning, incandescent like these eyes
or maybe like hers,
for when I gave upon them for just a moment
i am sated
my hunger for purpose is quelled,
and i have found my home--------

you take permanence
in the form of this ilk
flowing through my veins

but i will not rip myself apart,
just to bleed you out
what a waste it would be

after all,
a muse must thrive
and what expendable feelings you provide

4 short poemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora