Everyone already hates me :)

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  "Dorm 32" I say while unlocking the door. I went over and put up my black bedframe with the mattress on top with a dark blue comforter them I put up a few of "My Hero Academy" and "Life-Note" and a few "Natskue" posters and set all my mangas under my bed with my laptop and wifi box along with some black curtains to cover the glass door leading out to the balcony. And of course the finishing touch which is of course my black light bulb so even when you turned on my light you could barely see cause...I liked it like that. Once I was done setting up I hung up all 3 of my favorite jackets and slung my favorite black one with holes for my thumbs over my uniform and headed to class. I was in class 1-A and AS SOON as I walked into class I saw MY FAVORITE THREE PEOPLE. Pinky, Spiky hair, and wanna be blonde spiky hair. I stared at the ground and went to the seat I found in the back of the room by the window and sat down. But then I saw some dumb blue haired fuck running towards me with a "boi" hand motion. "HELLO I AM TENYA IIDA YOUR CLASS REP! I DO NOT WANT TO BE RUDE BUT YOU NEED TO TAKE OFF YOUR JACKET BECAUSE THAT IS NOT THE SCHOOL UNIFORM!!" I replied after"First of all don't yell in my fucking ear and second off all I don't care who you are and what you do THIRD of all no mind your own business."And as if God himself flew down from the heavens a yellow fucking cacoon thing Rose from the floor like Michael Fucking Jackson rose from the dead and then he immediately looked at me and said in the most 'i don't get paid enough for this bullshit' voice "Please remove your jacket." Then I said back in the most monotone voice I could muster "Why should I you fucking yellow hatching butterfly."Then everyones fucking heads turned it was FUCKING PRICELESS I could see a mixture of confusion and fear as well as some amused faces.I tried SO FUCKING HARD to not smile or laugh while still staring at the teacher. Then after a good five seconds he responded with "I don't even care do what you want." And as SOON as he finished I SLAMED my fucking head on my desk. Then he said "What are you doing?"AND I SAID "You said I could do what I want so I chose to sleep." I could hear a few kids snicker and chuckle while I see a few surprised glances. Then HE GOT SERIOUS." Talk back to me again and your going to detention and IT IS ONLY YOUR FIRST DAY!""ok ok jeez whatever"I said back and then rested my cheek on the palm of my hand.

Timeskip to lunch~

Oh yay lunch the time where people are supposed to eat and talk with their friends WELL NOT THIS WEIRDO I DONT EAT AND I DONT HAVE FRIENDS! So I sit by myself and draw. I skipped the lunch line and sat the opposite side of where everyone else sat. Today I decided to draw this dude I saw in class that was kinda like me. Half his hair was red and has was right plus HE HAD A HUGE FUKIN SCAR ON THE LEFT SIDE OF HIS FACE! So I decided to draw him. After I was done I wanted to kill myself cause I thought it was really bad so I closed it and threw down at my feet and started watching cringey tiktoks. And as fast as lunch started it ended. I walked to class in a crowded hallway until I felt a sharp Pain in my back I looked back to see the blonde bitch smirking while seeing little sparks coming off his hands then I saw a burnt part of my uniform. I just looked at him and walked away not giving him any satisfaction. I then heard fast footsteps behind me. And of course it was followed with a voice saying"GET BACK HEAR YOU SHIT STAIN COLORED HAIR PIECE OF SHIT!"I knew he was coming from behind me so I waited until he almost grabbed my hair then I turned around,grabbed his arm,and slammed him onto the floor. I walked past him to class not even looking back but hearing a hell of a lot 'godamnits!''what the hells'and 'i'll kill you's' from behind me. I walked to class and of course picked the desk in the back by the window. I slumped Down in my chair and listened to music until class started. Then I saw that blonde dude come in and I tried my hardest not to burst out laughing. The teacher(Present Mic) asked "Why are you late?" And he responded with a lie of course "I had to use the bathroom..." Looks like I put that firecracker in place...

Timeskip to after school~

I packed up my stuff and headed to my dorm with my earphones in. I was listening to music to see the red dude and the human firecracker walking towards me. When they were almost to me I called them out. "What do you want..." It sounds like something I said just yesterday...


I was walking down the hall the see my favorite group of people. Water girl,long neck girl,fat face,long fingers,and crazy hair. I didn't even know their names but all I knew was I was getting beat again..."What do you want..." I asked. "ANOTHER BEATING THATS WHAT YOUR GONNA GET!"Long fingers yelled. I didn't care anymore and went in a t-pose position. I felt a sharp pain hit my face and saw blood everywhere. Fuckers broke my nose. What am I gonna tell Mom! I fell to the floor while feeling hard pains all over my body when they started kicking me and the last thing I saw was a slightly muscular boy with black hair covering his face giving me a horrified look before I blacked out... I woke up and saw that boy staring down at me. "Oh! Your awake! Here let me help you!" He stuck out his hand. "I'm fine" I replied. He gave me a sad look then pointed at my head as I sat up."That's probably gonna leave a scar...I can bring you to the nurse-" I cut him off. "I don't need help okay?" I got up and walked away grabbing my backpack and headed "home". And sometimes when I was getting beat I would see him in the corner of my eye...

Flashback over~

Once I spun around the red head brought a hand around his mouth and fell to his knees."KIRI! ARE YOU OK?!" Fire cracker yelled. The red head looked at me horrified."y-you c-cant be..." Tears rolled from his eyes. The fire cracker yelled at me "WHAT DID YOU TO HIM YOU PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE I'LL KI-" He was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. The red guy stood up and looked at me. "Have you seen a black haired boy with a small scar on his eye?" I responded with "yeah...so?" He told me the most shocking thing I heard all day..."That was me..." My eyes shot wide open for a second but then went back to normal. "I AM SO SO SORRY I COULDN'T HELP YOU WITH THOSE BULLIES. IM SORRY I JUST STOOD THERE AND WATCHED. IM-" I cut him off "I didn't need your help." Then I kept walking to my dorm and when I looked back I saw the red head whispering to firecracker while his face changed from absolutely fucking pissed to horrified they he shot me a look of sympathy but I just looked at the ground and kept walking. I entered my dorm and threw my dumbass backpack on the floor then went to my balcony. I sat on the part where the drop was, dangiling my legs over the edge. Today was already a shitty day...

1373 words (not including this)

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