Review 2: The Cube Holder by LanePrevallet /Reviewer: Evanescence17

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AUTHOR: LanePrevallet 

TITLE: The Cube Holder

GENRE: Fantasy


SUMMARY: Me? I'm just an ordinary guy. Well I was...but that situation has been slightly altered, ever since I was given super powers. Either I've gone insane, which is a quite feasible possibility, or I have in fact gained powers that give me unnatural abilities. It would be waaay too easy for me to just get superpowers so I could impress the girls at school, oh no, I have to use them to "protect humanity". I don't really like the sound of that. I mean, my parents and I donated to the that not good enough? Well, apparently not. Because now, I have to fight off other-worldly beings. Ones that don't intend to gift us with phasers and light sabers. I don't really have much of a choice in this though, because, should I fail to defeat my foes, I will lose the only things that I love and are still in my possession. But I can't fight this battle on my own. I have to build up my pose, my battalion of renegade outcasts, and we'll have to pursue our goal using only some brains, guerrilla war-fare, and a whole lotta' will-power...may need a bit of luck too...




“The Cube Holder”, by LanePrevallet is a story that is a mixture of fantasy and adventure since the main character deals with fighting off an evil group called the Paladites who want to obtain the cube that he has the gift of using. He must fight them so that world can be protected from the evil that will happen if the cube is in the wrong hands. The main character is the Cube Holder so this story revolves around him dealing with fighting off the Paladites, protecting the cube, learning about his new found powers and staying alive. It is a very fascinating story.

“The Cube Holder”, was an interesting title and gave no hints to what would happen in the story. I liked that it was mysterious, caught my eye from the start. Excellent in creativity with the name and I knew this story would be like no other.

The cover is pretty cool with a cube in the middle, kind of glowing. I don’t think it would’ve caught my attention because it looks ancient and the white lettering on top (the title) is hard to read, but it fits in with the story, since the cube is very old and the reasoning for the way the cover looks is understanding as you read the story.

  The summary was not too long or too short. I would recommend separating the summary into paragraphs instead of the long paragraph it is. I also think it gave away too much information, but it did allow me to understand what could possibly happen in the story.

       The story is original since I, a reader who has read a lot, have never read anything remotely close to “The Cube Holder”. It was very refreshing and I liked that it was not typical since I was becoming bored of all this romantic stories that usually are easy to figure out what happens next. This story has the creativity and originality to one day be a success.

       The grammar was not where it should’ve been, but as a once first time writer, who also struggled with the grammar part of writing, I can understand it will take time to get the skill to having good grammar. As the story progresses, the grammar does improve, but that may be a deal breaker to Grammar Nazis and readers who expect to read perfectly written stories with no mistakes that are noticeable. I say give the story a chance.

       Character development was a problem and noticed by readers, but it improved as the story continued. The main character was an ordinary guy, who would be gifted with the power of the cube, hence getting superpowers, but these powers were given to him to protect the cube from the enemies called the Paladites by fighting them. The story gets more interesting as you read further so if you’re not bothered by the poor grammar at the beginning and give the story a chance, it will be worth it since it’s very enjoyable to read as details are explained and described.

 For a first time writer, I have to say I’m impressed. Not many writers continue after having readers tell them what is missing or what is wrong with the story, but this writer did. I have high hopes for this story and I believe with a proper editor and editing of parts, this story can and will be a success. This story is not for all, but for readers who like to see action with adventure mixed in with this magically cube that makes the main character kind of like a superhero like the famous ones (Spiderman, Batman, and Superman), then this is the story for you. Remember this is not like your typical superhero story, but the suspense that this story contains is very good and enough to make you read further.

Take a chance and read “The Cube Holder” by LanePrevallet, it may surprise you more than most stories do these days.


~This has review was by: Evanescence17~

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